Title: Satan's Soliloquy
Author: Abner Cosens [
More Titles by Cosens]
November, 1914
Hell hath enlarged its borders,
While Satan sits in state,
And gives his servants orders
To open wide the gate.
"My most successful agent,"
Said he, "is Kaiser Bill;
Just watch his daily pageant
Of souls come down the hill.
His friends who sacked the city;
His slaves who raped the nuns;
His ghouls devoid of pity--
The bloody, lustful Huns,
The 'scrap of paper' liars,
The burners of Louvain
Shall feed hell's hottest fires
With Judas and with Cain.
The unfenced city raiders,
The crew of submarine
That sank the unarmed traders
To vent the Kaiser's spleen.
The wreckage of the nations,
Ten million dwellings lost,
Murders and mutilations,
The world's great holocaust.
The workman's scanty wages,
The souls of sunken ships;
The faith and hope of ages,
The prayers from human lips;
The livelihood of millions,
The commerce and the trade;
The untold wasted billions
Man's industry had made.
For these I thank the Kaiser;
His efforts please me well;
The world becomes no wiser;
It's growing time in hell."
[The end]
Abner Cosens's poem: Satan's Soliloquy