Title: The Test Of Friendship
Author: John S. Adams [
More Titles by Adams]
BRIGHTEST shine the stars above
When the night is darkest round us;
Those the friends we dearest love
Who were near when sorrow bound us.
When no clouds o'ercast our sky,
When no evil doth attend us,
Then will many gather nigh,
Ever ready to befriend us.
But when darkness shades our path,
When misfortune hath its hour,
When we lie beneath its wrath,
Some will leave us to its power.
Often have we seen at night,
When the clouds have gathered o'er us,
One lone star send forth its light,
Marking out the path before us.
Like that star some friendly eye
Will beam on us in our sorrow;
And, though clouded be our sky,
We know there'll be a better morrow.
We know that all will not depart,
That some will, gather round to cheer us:
Know we, in our inmost heart,
Tried and faithful friends are near us.
Brother, those who do not go
May be deeméd friends forever;
Love them, trust them, have them know
Nothing can your friendship sever.
[The end]
John S. Adams's poem: Test Of Friendship