Title: A Vision of Heaven
Author: John S. Adams [
More Titles by Adams]
NIGHT had shed its darkness round me;
Wearied with the cares of day,
Rested I. Sleep's soft folds bound me,
And my spirit fled away.
As on eagle pinions soaring,
On I sped from star to star,
Till heaven's high and glistening portals
Met my vision from afar.
Myriad miles I hasted over;
Myriad stars I passéd by:
On and on my tireless spirit
Urged its ceaseless flight on high.
Planets burned with glorious radiance,
Lighting up my trackless way;
On I sped, till music coming
From the realms of endless day
Fell upon my ear,--as music
Chanted by celestial choirs
Only can,--and then my spirit
Longed to grasp their golden lyres
Stood I hear that portal wondering
Whether I could enter there:
I, of earth and sin the subject,
Child of sorrow and of care!
There I stood like one uncalled for,
Willing thus to hope and wait,
Till a voice said, "Why not enter?
Why thus linger at the gate?
"Know me not? Say whence thou comest
Here to join our angel band.
Know me not? Here, take thy welcome-
Take thine angel-sister's hand."
Then I gazed, and, gazing, wondered;
For 't was she who long since died,--
She who in her youth departed,
Falling early at my side.
"Up," said she, "mid glorious temples!
Up, where all thy loved ones rest!
They with joy will sing thy welcome
To the mansions of the blest.
Mansions where no sin can enter,
Home where all do rest in peace;
Where the tried and faithful spirit
From its trials finds release;
"Golden courts, where watchful cherubs
Tune their harps to holy praise;
Temples in which countless myriads
Anthems of thanksgiving raise."
I those shining portals entered,
Guided by that white-robed one,
When a glorious light shone round me,
Brighter than the noonday sun!
Friends I met whom death had severed
From companionship below;
All were there-and in each feature
Immortality did glow.
I would touch their golden lyres,
When upon my ear there broke
Louder music--at that moment
I from my glad vision woke.
All was silent; scarce a zephyr
Moved the balmy air of night;
And the moon, in meekness shining,
Shed around its hallowed light.
[The end]
John S. Adams's poem: A Vision of Heaven