Title: A Pastoral
Author: Mary Ann H. T. Bigelow [
More Titles by Bigelow]
Oh! tell me ye shepherds, tell me I pray,
Have you seen the fair Jessie pass by this way?
You ne'er could forget her, if once you had seen,
She's fair as the morning, she moves like a Queen.
My sheep are neglected, my crook's thrown aside,
In pursuit of dear Jessie, sweet Jessie, my bride;
I hear nothing of her, no tidings can glean,
To see is to know her, she moves like a Queen.
Say, have you seen her? oh, pity my grief!
Speak quick, and impart me the needful relief;
You cannot forget her, if once you have seen,
She's lovely as Venus, she moves like a Queen.
Have you not seen her?--then listen I pray,
Oh! listen to what a poor shepherd can say
In the praise of one ne'er so lovely was seen;
She's youthful as Hebe, she moves like a Queen.
She's fair as the Spring in the mild month of May,
She's brilliant as June decked in flowerets so gay;
You ne'er could forget her if once you had seen,
She's charming as Flora, she moves like a Queen.
Oh! tell me not Damon, that yours can compare
To Jessie, sweet Jessie, with beauty so rare;
With a face of such sweetness, so modest a mien,
She's like morn in its freshness, she moves like a Queen.
You tell me your Sylvia is beautiful quite;
She may be, when Jessie is kept out of sight;
She is not to be mentioned with Jessie, I ween,
Her voice is sweet music, she moves like a Queen.
Then name not your Sylvia with Jessie I pray,
'Tis comparing dark night with the fair light of day;
Sylvia's movements are clumsy, and awkwardly seen,
But Jessie is graceful, she moves like a Queen.
Menalaus' fair wife, for beauty far famed,
By the side of my Jessie is not to be named;
Paris ne'er had woo'd Helen, if Jessie he'd seen,
She's chaste as Diana, she moves like a Queen.
Oh! aid me, do aid me, ye shepherds, I pray!
The time is fast flying, no longer I'll stay;
You cannot mistake her, there's none like her seen,
She's lovely as Venus, she moves like a Queen.
Do help me to find her, I'm wild with affright,
The day passes swiftly, it soon will be night;
There's none to compare with her, none like her seen,
More lovely than Venus, she moves like a Queen.
[The end]
Mary Ann H. T. Bigelow's poem: Pastoral