Title: Truth
Author: Mary Baker Eddy [
More Titles by Eddy]
Beyond the clouds, away
In the dim distance, lay
A bright and golden shower
At sunset's radiant hour,--
Like to the soul's glad immortality,
Making this life divine,
Making its waters wine,
Giving the glory that eye cannot see.
In God there is no night,--
Truth is eternal light,
A help forever near;
For sinless sense is here
In Truth, the Life, the Principle of man.
Away, then, mortal sense!
Then, error, get thee hence,
Thy discord ne'er in harmony began!
Immortal Truth,--since heaven rang,
The while the glad stars sang
To hail creation's glorious morn--
As when this babe was born,
A painless heraldry of Soul, not sense,--
Shine on our 'wildered way,
Give God's idea sway,
And sickness, sin, and death are banished hence.
Lynn, Mass., April, 1871.
[The end]
Mary Baker Eddy's poem: Truth