Title: "Mona Machree"
Author: James Whitcomb Riley [
More Titles by Riley]
"Mona Machree, I'm the wanderin' cr'ature now,
Over the sea;
Slave of no lass, but a lover of Nature now
Careless and free."
---T. A. Daly.
Mona Machree! och, the sootherin' flow of it,
Soft as the sea,
Yet, in-under the mild, moves the wild undertow of it
Tuggin' at me,
Until both the head and the heart o' me's fightin'
For breath, nigh a death all so grandly invitin'
That--barrin' your own livin' yet--I'd delight in,
Drowned in the deeps of this billowy song to you
Sung by a lover your beauty has banned,
Not alone from your love but his dear native land,
Whilst the kiss of his lips, and touch of his hand,
And his song--all belong to you,
Mona Machree!
[The end]
James Whitcomb Riley's poem: "Mona Machree"