Title: 'Lizabeth Ann's Picture
Author: Everard Jack Appleton [
More Titles by Appleton]
Ma wanted a good, new picture of me; so pa says, "'Lizabeth Ann,
You come down town at noon to-day, and we'll go to the picture man;
But don't tell mother--we'll have a surprise for her on Christmas day,
And give her a real nice photograft--I know just what she will say."
"Oh, goody!" I says, "I am awful glad! I'll be there at noon, you see."
(I like to have a secret with pa--it's awful much fun for me.)
I runned away at 'leven o'clock, and ma didn't see me go,
Although I had dressed in my very best--and that takes time, you know--
My party frock, and my best kid shoes; my furs and my "picture" hat,
And my new red coat--the one she says, "Be careful, my dear, of that."
And when I got to his office, pa looked awful surprised, and said,
"Dear me, what a dressed-up little girl! Why, really, you turn my head!"
And then we went to the picture man. He's nice enough, I s'pose,
But what do you think he said to me? "You seem to be mostly clothes!"
So pa and the man made me undress, till all that I had on me
Was my shirtwaist slip--my arms and neck was bare as they both could be!
It made me feel umbarrassed! And then I guess that I nearly cried,
But pa just patted me on the head and said he was satisfied.
And now the pictures are finished up, and one is already framed;
But ma'll be mad, I am pretty sure--I know that I feel ashamed;
For all that you see is my head and neck--and not a bit of my dress--
She'll think I was funny to go down-town with so little on, I guess!
Yet pa says, "Never you mind, my dear--blame it on me or the man;
But mother will like it, you see if she don't--she wanted you,
'Lizabeth Ann."
[The end]
Everard Jack Appleton's poem: 'Lizabeth Ann's Picture