Title: Reprisal
Author: Everard Jack Appleton [
More Titles by Appleton]
Sister Susie's sittin' knittin'
Sweaters, wristlets, scarfs, an' socks;
She ain't "sewin' shirts for soldiers"
'Cause she got so many knocks
From th' papers 'bout her sewin'--
Now she's knittin' pounds of yarn
Into things to send away.... Well,
I don't care,
Don't care a darn!
Hasn't knit no scarf or sweater,
Hasn't made no socks for me;
Little brother, he can rustle
For himself alone, you see!
Maw is on the Help Committee,
Paw is drillin' with th' Guard;
Brother's soldierin'--and sister's
Knittin' fast
An' awful hard!
No, they won't pay me no 'tention,
So I'm goin' to run away,
Join th' army as a--as a
Bellboy, may be, without pay.
Then I'll get a scarf an' sweater
And some socks, soon as I go,
From some other feller's sister
That I do not
Even know.
[The end]
Everard Jack Appleton's poem: Reprisal