Title: An Easter Prayer
Author: Frances Ridley Havergal [
More Titles by Havergal]
OH let me know
The power of Thy resurrection;
Oh let me show
Thy risen life in calm and clear reflection;
Oh let me soar
Where Thou, rny Saviour Christ, art gone before;
In mind and heart
Let me dwell always, only, where Thou art.
Oh let me give
Out of the gifts Thou freely givest
Oh let me live
With life abundantly because Thou lives!
Oh make me shine
In darkest places, for Thy light is mine;
Oh let me be
A faithful witness for Thy truth and Thee.
Oh let me show
The strong reality of gospel story;
Oh let me go
From strength to strength, from glory unto glory;
Oh let me sing
For very joy, because Thou art my King;
Oh let me praise
Thy love and faithfulness through all my days.
[The end]
Frances Ridley Havergal's poem: An Easter Prayer