Title: Poor 'Miss 7'
Author: Walter De la Mare [
More Titles by De la Mare]
Lone and alone she lies,
Poor Miss 7,
Five steep flights from the earth,
And one from heaven;
Dark hair and dark brown eyes, -
Not to be sad she tries,
Still - still it's lonely lies
Poor Miss 7.
One day-long watch hath she,
Poor Miss 7,
Not in some orchard sweet
In April Devon -
Just four blank walls to see,
And dark come shadowily,
No moon, no stars, ah me!
Poor Miss 7.
And then to wake again,
Poor Miss 7,
To the cold night, to have
Sour physic given;
Out of some dream of pain,
Then strive long hours in vain
Deep dreamless sleep to gain:
Poor Miss 7.
Yet memory softly sings
Poor Miss 7
Songs full of love and peace
And gladness even;
Clear flowers and tiny wings,
All tender, lovely things,
Hope to her bosom brings -
Happy Miss 7.
[The end]
Walter De la Mare's poem: Poor 'Miss 7'