Title: Good-By Er Howdy-Do
Author: James Whitcomb Riley [
More Titles by Riley]
Say good-by er howdy-do--
What's the odds betwixt the two?
Comin'--goin', ev'ry day--
Best friends first to go away--
Grasp of hands you'd ruther hold
Than their weight in solid gold
Slips their grip while greetin' you.--
Say good-by er howdy-do!
Howdy-do, and then, good-by--
Mixes jes' like laugh and cry;
Deaths and births, and worst and best,
Tangled their contrariest;
Ev'ry jinglin' weddin'-bell
Skeerin' up some funer'l knell.--
Here's my song, and there's your sigh.--
Howdy-do, and then, good-by!
Say good-by er howdy-do--
Jes' the same to me and you;
'Taint worth while to make no fuss,
'Cause the job's put up on us!
Some One's runnin' this concern
That's got nothin' else to learn:
Ef _He's_ willin', we'll pull through--
Say good-by er howdy-do!
[The end]
James Whitcomb Riley's poem: Good-By Er Howdy-Do