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The Plant-Lore & Garden-Craft of Shakespeare, a non-fiction book by Henry Nicholson Ellacombe |
Appendices - Appendix 3. Names Of Plants |
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Finding that many are interested in the old names of the plants named by Shakespeare, I give in this appendix the names of the plants, showing at one view how they were written and explained by different writers in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The list might have been very largely increased, especially by giving the forms used at an earlier date, but my object is to show the forms of the names in which they were (or might have been) familiar to Shakespeare. The authors quoted are these:
Turner. Aconitum. Gerard. Of Wolfes-banes and Monkeshoods. Cotgrave. Aconit; Aconitum, A most venemous hearbe, of two principall kindes; viz., Libbard's-bane, and Wolfe-bane.
Promptorium. Accorne, or archarde, frute of the oke; Glans. Catholicon. An Acorne; haec glans dis, hec glandicula. Cotgrave. Gland; An Acorne; Mast of Oakes or other trees.
Promptorium. Almaund, frute; Amigdalum. Catholicon. An Almond tre; amigdalus. Turner. The Almon tree. Gerard. The Almond tree. Cotgrave. Amygdales; Almonds.
Turner. Aloe. Gerard. Of Herbe Aloe, or Sea Houseleeke. Cotgrave. Aloes; The hearbe Aloes, Sea Houseleeke, Sea aigreen.
Promptorium. Appule, frute; Pomum, malum. Catholicon. An Appylle; pomum, malum, pomulum. Turner. Apple tree. Gerard. The Apple tree. Cotgrave. Pomme; An Apple.
Turner. Abricok. Gerard. The Aprecocke or Abrecocke tree. Cotgrave. Abricot; The Abricot, or Apricocke Plum.
Promptorium. Asche tre; Fraxinus. Turner. Ashe tree. Gerard. The Ash tree. Cotgrave. Fraisne; An Ash tree.
Promptorium. Aspe tre; Tremulus. Turner. Asp tree. Gerard. The Aspen tree. Cotgrave. Tremble; An Aspe or Aspen tree.
Promptorium. Bawme, herbe or tre; Balsamus, melissa, melago. Catholicon. Balme; balsamum, colo balsamum, filo balsamum, opobalsamum. Turner. Baume. Gerard. Balme or Balsam tree. Cotgrave. Basme; Balme, balsamum, or more properly the balsamum tree, from which distils our Balme.
Promptorium. Barlycorne; Ordeum, triticum. Catholicon. Barly; Ordeum, ordeolum. Turner. Barley. Gerard. Of Barley. Cotgrave. Orge; Barlie.
Catholicon. A Barnakylle; avis est. Gerard. Of the Goose tree, Barnacle tree, or the tree bearing geese. Cotgrave. Bernaque; The foule called a Barnacle.
Promptorium. Bay, frute; Bacca. Catholicon. A Bay; bacca, est fructus lauri et olive. Turner. Bay tree. Gerard. Of the Bay or Laurel tree. Cotgrave. Laurier; A Laurell or Bay tree.
Promptorium. Bene corne; Faba. Catholicon. A Bene; faba, fabella. Turner. Beane. Gerard. Beane and his kinds. Cotgrave. Febue; A Beane.
Catholicon. A Blabery. Cotgrave. Hurelles; Whoortle berries, wyn-berries, Bill-berries, Bull-berries.
Promptorium. Byrche tre; Lentiscus, cinus. Catholicon. Byrke; Lentiscus. Turner. Birch tree; Birke tree. Gerard. Of the Birch tree. Cotgrave. Bouleau; Birche.
Turner. Blake bery bush. Gerard. Blacke-berry. Cotgrave. Meuron; A blacke, or bramble berrie.
Promptorium. Box tre; Buxus. Catholicon. A Box tre; buxus buxum. Turner. Box. Gerard. Of the Box tree. Cotgrave. Blanc bois; Box, _&c.
Promptorium. Brymbyll. Turner. Bramble bushe. Gerard. Of the Bramble or blacke-berry bush. Cotgrave. Ronce; A Bramble or Brier.
Promptorium. Brere or Brymmeylle; Tribulus, vepris. Catholicon. A Brere; carduus, tribulus, vepres, veprecula. Turner. Brier tree. Gerard. The Brier or Hep tree. Cotgrave. See BRAMBLE.
Promptorium. Brome, brusche; Genesta, mirica. Catholicon. Brune; genesta, merica, tramarica. Turner. Broume. Gerard. Broome. Cotgrave. Genest; Broome.
Promptorium. Holrysche or Bulrysche; Papirus. Cotgrave. Jonc; A Rush, or Bulrush.
Catholicon. A Burre; bardona, glis, lappa, paliurus. Turner. Clote Bur. Gerard. Clote Burre, or Burre Docke. Cotgrave. Bardane la grande; The burre-dock, clote, bur, great burre.
Turner. Burnet. Gerard. Burnet. Cotgrave. Pimpinelle; Burnet.
Turner. Colewurtes. Gerard. Cabbage or Colewort. Cotgrave. Chou Cabu; Cabbage, White Colewort, headed Colewort, leafed Cabbage, round Cabbage Cole.
Promptorium. Camamilla. Catholicon. Camomelle; Camomillum. Turner. Camomyle. Gerard. Of Cammomill. Cotgrave. Camomille; The hearbe Camamell or Camomill.
Gerard. Some are called Carnations.
Promptorium. Caraway herbe; Carwy, sic scribitur in campo florum. Turner. Caruways. Gerard. Of Caruwaies. Cotgrave. Carvi; Caroways, or Caroway seed.
Turner. Carot. Gerard. Of Carrots. Cotgrave. Carote; The Carrot (root or hearbe).
Promptorium. Cedyr tree; Cedrus. Catholicon. A Cedir tre; Cedrus, Cedra; Cedrinus. Gerard. Of the Cedar tree. Cotgrave. Cedre; The Cedar tree.
Promptorium. Chery, or Chery frute; Cerasum. Catholicon. A Chery; Cerasum. Gerard. The Cherry tree. Cotgrave. Cerise; A Cherrie.
Promptorium. Castany, frute or tre; idem, Castanea. Catholicon. A Chestan; balanus, Castanea. Turner. Chesnut tree. Gerard. The Chestnut tree. Cotgrave. Chastaignier; A Chessen, or Chestnut, tree.
Turner. Claver. Gerard. Three-leaved grass; Claver. Cotgrave. Treffle; Trefoil, Clover, Three-leaved Grasse.
Promptorium. Clowe, spyce; Gariofolus. Catholicon. A Clowe; garifolus, species est. Gerard. The Clove tree. Cotgrave. Girofle, cloux de Girofle; Cloves.
Promptorium. Cokylle, wede; Nigella, lollium, zizania. Catholicon. Cokylle; quaedam aborigo, zazannia. Turner. Cockel. Gerard. Cockle.
Turner. Coloquintida. Gerard. The wilde Citrull, or Coloquintida. Cotgrave. Coloquinthe; The wilde and fleme-purging Citrull Coloquintida.
Promptorium. Columbyne, herbe; Columbina. Catholicon. Columbyne; Columbina. Gerard. Columbine. Cotgrave. Colombin; The hearbe Colombine.
Promptorium. Corkbarke; Cortex. Catholicon. Corke. Gerard. The Corke Oke. Cotgrave. Liege; Corke.
Promptorium. Corne; Granum, gramen. Catholicon. Corn; Granum, bladum, annona, seges. Gerard. Corne. Cotgrave. Grain; Graine, Corne.
Promptorium. Cowslope, herbe; Herba petri, herba paralysis, ligustra. Catholicon. A Cowslope; ligustrum, vaccinium. Turner. Cowslop, Cowslip. Gerard. Cowslips. Cotgrave. Prime-vere; . . . a Cowslip.
Promptorium. Crabbe, appule or frute; Macianum. Catholicon. A Crab of ye wod; acroma ab acritudine dictum. Gerard. The wilding or Crabtree. Cotgrave. Pommier Sauvage; A Crab Tree.
Promptorium. Crowefote, herbe; amarusca vel amarusca emeroydarum, pes corvi. Turner. Crowfote. Gerard. Crowfloures or Wilde Williams. Cotgrave. Hyacinthe; The blew, or purple Jacint, or Hyacinth flower; we call it also, Crow-toes.
Gerard. The Crowne Imperiall. Cotgrave. Couronne Imperiale; The Imperial Crowne; (a goodlie flower).
Gerard. Wild Water Cresses or Cuckow-floures. Cotgrave. See LADY-SMOCKS.
Catholicon. Rasyns of Coran; uvapassa. Turner. Rasin tree. Gerard. Corans or Currans, or rather Raisins of Corinth. Cotgrave. Raisins de Corinthe; Currans, or small Raisins.
Promptorium. Cypresse, tre; Cipressus. Catholicon. A Cipirtre; cipressus, cipressimus. Turner. Cypresse tree. Gerard. The Cypresse tree. Cotgrave. Cypres; The Cyprus Tree; or Cyprus wood.
Promptorium. Affodylle herbe; Affodillus, albucea. Catholicon. An Affodylle; Affodillus, harba est. Turner. Affodill, Daffadyll. Gerard. Daffodils. Cotgrave. Asphodile; The Daffadill, Affodill, or Asphodell Flower.
Promptorium. Daysy, floure; Consolida minor et major dicitur Confery. Catholicon. A Daysy; Consolidum. Turner. Dasie. Gerard. Little Daisies. Cotgrave. Marguerite; A Daisie.
Promptorium. Damasyn', frute; Prunum Damascenum, Coquinella. Catholicon. A Damysyn tre; damiscenus, nixa pro arbore and fructu, conquinella. Gerard. The Plum or Damson tree. Cotgrave. Prune de Damas; A Damson or Damask Plumme.
Promptorium. Dernel, a wede; Zizania. Catholicon. Darnelle; Zizannia. Turner. Darnel. Gerard. Darnell. Cotgrave. Yvraye; The vicious graine called Ray, or Darnell.
Promptorium. Date, frute; Dactilus. Catholicon. A Date; dactulus, dactilicus. Turner. Date tre. Gerard. The Date tree. Cotgrave. Dacte; A Date.
Promptorium. Dockeweede; Padella. Catholicon. A Dokan; paradilla, emula, farella. Turner. Docke. Gerard. Docks. Cotgrave. Parelle; The hearbe Dockes.
Turner. Dog tree. Gerard. The female Cornell or Dog-berry tree. Cotgrave. Cornillier femelle; Hounds-tree, Dog-berrie tree, Prick-tymber tree; Gaten, or Gater, tree. EBONY. Promptorium. Eban' tre; Ebanus. Cotgrave. Ebene; The blacke wood called Heben, or Eboine.
Turner. Egl[=e]tyne or swete brere. Gerard. The Eglantine or Sweet Brier. Cotgrave. Rose sauvage; The Eglantine or Sweet brier Rose.
Promptorium. Eldyr or hyldr or hillerne tre; Sambucus. Catholicon. A Bur tre; Sambucus. Turner. Elder tree. Gerard. The Elder tree. Cotgrave. Sureau; An Elder Tree.
Promptorium. Elm, tre; Ulmus. Turner. Elme tree. Gerard. The Elme tree. Cotgrave. Orme; an Elme tree.
Turner. Sea holly, or Sea Hulver. Gerard. Sea Holly. Cotgrave. Chardon marin; The Sea Thistle, Sea Holly, Eringus.
Promptorium. Fenkylle or fenelle; Feniculum vel feniculus. Catholicon. Fennelle or fenkelle; feniculum, maratrum. Turner. Fenel. Gerard. Fennell. Cotgrave. Fenouil; The hearbe Fennell.
Promptorium. Brake, herbe or ferne; Filix. Catholicon. Ferne; polipodium, &c.; ubi brak[=a]n (a Brak[=a]n; filix). Turner. Ferne or brake. Gerard. Ferne. Cotgrave. Feuchiere; Fearne, brakes.
Promptorium. Fygge or fyge tre; Ficus. Catholicon. A dry Fige; ficus -i, ficus -us, ficulus. Turner. Fig tree. Gerard. The Fig tree. Cotgrave. Figue; A Fig.
Promptorium. Fylberde, notte; Fillum. Catholicon. A Filbert; Fillium vel fillum. Gerard. The Fillberd Nutt. Cotgrave. Avelaine; A Filbeard.
Gerard. Water Flags.
Promptorium. Flax; Linum. Catholicon. Lyne; linum. Turner. Flax. Gerard. Garden Flaxe. Cotgrave. Lin; Line, flax.
Turner. Flour de luce. Gerard. The Floure de-luce. Cotgrave. Iris; The rainbow; also a Flower de luce.
Promptorium. Fumeter, herbe; Fumus terrae. Turner. Fumitarie. Gerard. Fumitorie. Cotgrave. Fume-terre; The hearbe Fumitorie.
Promptorium. Fyrrys, or qwyce tre, or gorstys tre; Ruscus. Gerard. Furze, Gorsse, Whin, or prickley Broome. Cotgrave. Genest espineux; Furres, whinnes, gorse, Thorn broome.
Promptorium. Garlekke; Allium. Catholicon. Garleke; Alleum. Turner. Garlike. Gerard. Garlicke. Cotgrave. Ail; Garlicke, poore-man's Treacle.
Promptorium. Gyllofre, herbe; Gariophyllus. Turner. Gelover, Gelefloure. Gerard. Clove Gillofloures. Cotgrave. Giroflee; A gilloflower, and most properly, the Clove Gilloflower.
Promptorium. Gyngere; Zinziber. Catholicon. Ginger; zinziber, zinzebrum. Gerard. Ginger. Cotgrave. Gingembre; Ginger.
Turner. Goosebery bush. Gerard. Goose-berrie or Fea-berry Bush. Cotgrave. Groselles; Gooseberries.
Promptorium. See FURZE. Gerard. See FURZE. Cotgrave. See FURZE.
Promptorium. Goord; Cucumer, cucurbita, colloquintida. Catholicon. A Gourde; Cucumer vel cucumis. Turner. Gourde. Gerard. Gourds. Cotgrave. Courge; The fruit called a Gourd.
Promptorium. Grape; Uva. Catholicon. A Grape; Apiana, botrus, passus, uva. Turner. Grapes. Gerard. Grapes. Cotgrave. Raisin; A Grape, also a Raisin.
Promptorium. Gresse, herbe; Herba, gramen. Catholicon. A Gresse; gramen, herba, herbala. Turner. Grasse. Gerard. Grasse. Cotgrave. Herbe; . . . also Grasse.
Gerard. Hare-bells.
Promptorium. Hawe thorne; ramnus. Catholicon. An Hawe tre; sinus, rampnus. Turner. Hawthorne tree. Gerard. The White Thorne or Hawthorne tree. Cotgrave. Aubespin; The White-thorne or Hawthorne.
Promptorium. Hesyl tre; Colurus, Colurnus. Catholicon. An Heselle; corulus. Turner. Hasyle tree. Gerard. The Hasell tree. Cotgrave. Noisiller; A Hasel, or small nut tree.
Promptorium. Hethe; Bruera, bruare. Turner. Heth. Gerard. Heath, Hather, or Linge. Cotgrave. Bruyere; Heath, ling, hather.
Promptorium. Humlok, herbe; Sicuta, lingua canis. Catholicon. An Hemlok; cicuta, harba benedicta, intubus. Turner. Hemlocke. Gerard. Homlocks or herb Bennet. Cotgrave. Cigne; Hemlocke, Homlocke, hearbe Bennet, Kex.
Promptorium. Hempe; Canabum. Catholicon. Hempe; Canabus, canabum. Turner. Hemp. Gerard. Hempe. Cotgrave. Chanure; Hempe.
Promptorium. Holme or holy; Ulmus, hussus. Catholicon. An Holynge; hussus. Gerard. The Holme, Holly, or Hulver tree. Cotgrave. Houx; The Hollie, Holme, or Hulver tree.
Turner. Cardo benedictus. Gerard. The Blessed Thistle. Cotgrave. Chardon benoict; Holy Thistle, blessed Thistle. Carduus benedictus.
Promptorium. Hony Socle; Abiago. Turner. Honysuccles. Gerard. Woodbinde or Honisuckles. Cotgrave. Chevre-fueille; The Woodbind or Honie-suckle.
Promptorium. Isope, herbe; Isopus. Catholicon. Isope; ysopus. Turner. Hysope. Gerard. Hyssope. Cotgrave. Hyssope; Hisop.
Promptorium. Henbane, herbe; Jusquiamus, simphonica, insana. Gerard. Insana (s.v. HENBANE).
Promptorium. Ivy; Edera. Catholicon. An Iv[=e]n; edera. Gerard. Ivy. Cotgrave. Lierre; Ivie.
Promptorium. Kyx, or bunne, or drye weed; Calamus. Gerard. Kexe. Cotgrave. See HEMLOCK.
Turner. Knot grasse. Gerard. Knot-grasses. Cotgrave. Centidoine; Centinodie, Knotgrassa, Waygrasse, &c.
Gerard. Lady-smockes. Cotgrave. Passerage Sauvage; Cuckoe flowers, Ladies-smockes, the lesse Water Cresse.
Gerard. Larks heele or Larks claw. Cotgrave. Herbe moniale; Wilde Larkes-heele, purple Monkes-flower.
Promptorium. Lauryol, herbe; Laureola. Catholicon. Larielle; laurus. Turner. Laurel tree. Gerard. The Bay or Laurel tree. Cotgrave. Laureole; Lowrie, Lauriell, Spurge Laurell, little Laurell.
Promptorium. Lavendere, herbe; Lavendula. Turner. Lauender. Gerard. Lavander Spike. Cotgrave. Lavande; Lavender, Spike.
Promptorium. Leek or garleke; Alleum. Catholicon. A Leke; porrum. Turner. Leke. Gerard. Leekes. Cotgrave. Porreau; A Leeke.
Turner. Limones. Gerard. The Limon tree. Cotgrave. Limon; A Lemmon.
Promptorium. Letuce, herbe; Lactuca. Catholicon. Letuse; lactuca. Turner. Lettis. Gerard. Lettuce. Cotgrave. Laictue; Lettuce.
Promptorium. Lyly, herbe; Lilium. Catholicon. A Lylly; lilium, librellum. Turner. Lily. Gerard. White Lillies. Cotgrave. Lis; A Lillie.
Promptorium. Lynde tre; Filia. Catholicon. A Linde tre; tilia. Turner. Linden tre. Gerard. The Line or Linden tree. Cotgrave. Til; The Line, Linden, or Teylet tree.
Promptorium. Lynge of the hethe; Bruera vel brueria. Turner. Ling. Gerard. Heath, Hather, or Linge. Cotgrave. Bruyere; Heath, ling, hather.
Turner. Carobbeanes. Gerard. The Carob tree or St. John's Bread.
Turner. Hand Satyrion.
Gerard. Live in idlenesse. Cotgrave. Herbe clavelee; Paunsie. . . . Love or live in idleness.
Promptorium. Macys, spyce; Macie in plur. Catholicon. Mace; Macia. Gerard. Mace. Cotgrave. Macis; The spice called Mace.
Promptorium. Malwe, herbe, Malva. Catholicon. A Malve; Altea, malva. Turner. Mallowe. Gerard. The wilde Mallowes. Cotgrave. Maulve; The hearbe Mallow.
Promptorium. Mandragge, herbe; Mandragora. Turner. Mandrage. Gerard. Mandrake. Cotgrave. Mandragore; Mandrake, Mandrage, Mandragon.
Promptorium. Golde, heabe; Solsequium, quia sequitur solem, &c. Catholicon. Marigolde; Solsequium, sponsa solis, herba est. Turner. Marygoulde. Gerard. Marigolds. Cotgrave. Soulsi; the Marigold, Ruds.
Promptorium. Mageraem, herbe; Majorona. Catholicon. Marioron; herba Maiorana. Turner. Margerum. Gerard. Marjerome. Cotgrave. Marjolaine; Marierome, sweet Marierome, fine Marierome, Marierome gentle.
Turner. Medler tre. Gerard. The Medlar tree. Cotgrave. Neffle; a Medler.
Promptorium. Mynte, herbe; Minta. Catholicon. Minte; Menta, herba est. Turner. Mint. Gerard. Mints. Cotgrave. Mente; the hearbe Mint, or Mints.
Turner. Misceldin, or Miscelto. Gerard. Misseltoe or Misteltoe. Cotgrave. Guy; Misseltoe, or Misseldine.
Promptorium. Mosse, growynge a-mongys stonys; Muscus. Catholicon. Mosse; muscus, ivena. Gerard. Ground Mosse. Cotgrave. Mousse; Mosse.
Promptorium. Mulbery; Morum. Catholicon. A Mulbery; Morum. Turner. Mulbery tree. Gerard. The Mulberrie tree. Cotgrave. Meure; A Mulberrie.
Promptorium. Muscher[=o]n toodys hatte; Boletus, fungus. Gerard. Mushrumes or Toadstooles. Cotgrave. Champignon; A Mushrum, Toadstoole, Paddock-stoole.
Promptorium. Mustard or Warlok or senvyne, herbe; Sinapis. Catholicon. Musterde; Sinapium. Turner. Mustarde. Gerard. Mustard. Cotgrave. Moustarde; Mustard.
Turner. Myrtle or Myrt tree. Gerard. The Myrtle tree. Cotgrave. Myrte: The Mirtle tree or Shrub.
Promptorium. Netyl, herbe; Urtica. Catholicon. A Nettylle; Urtica. Turner. Nettle. Gerard. Stinging Nettle. Cotgrave. Ortie; A Nettle, the Common Nettle.
Promptorium. Note, frute; Nux. Catholicon. A Nutte; nux, nucula, nucicula. Gerard. Wilde hedge-Nut. Cotgrave. Noisette; A small Nut, or Hasel Nut.
Promptorium. Notemygge; Nux muscata. Catholicon. A Nut muge; nux muscata. Gerard. The Nutmeg tree. Cotgrave. Noix Muscade; A Nutmeg.
Promptorium. Oke, tee; Quercus, ylex. Catholicon. An Oke; quarcus, &c.; ubi An Ake. Turner. Oke. Gerard. The Oke. Cotgrave. Chesne; An Oake.
Promptorium. Ote or havur Corne; Avena. Catholicon. Otys; ubi haver (Havyr; avena, avenula). Turner. Otes. Gerard. Otes. Cotgrave. Avoyne; Oats.
Promptorium. Olyve, tre; Oliva. Catholicon. An Olyve tre; olea, oleaster, oliva; olivaris. Turner. Olyve tree. Gerard. The Olive tree. Cotgrave. Olivier; An Olive tree.
Promptorium. Onyone; Sepe. Catholicon. Ony[=o]n; bilbus, cepa, cepe. Turner. Onyon. Gerard. Onions. Cotgrave. Oignon; An Onyon.
Promptorium. Oronge, fruete; Pomum citrinum, citrum. Turner. Orenge tree. Gerard. The Orange tree. Cotgrave. Orange; An Orange.
Promptorium. Osyere; Vimen. Turner. Osyer tree. Gerard. The Oziar or Water Willow. Cotgrave. Osier; The Ozier, red Withie, water Willow tree.
Gerard. Field Oxlips. Cotgrave. Arthetiques; Cowslips or Oxlips.
Promptorium. Palme; Palma. Catholicon. A Palme tre; palma, palmula. Gerard. The Date tree. Cotgrave. Palmier; The Palme, or Date tree.
Turner. Panses. Gerard. Hearts-ease or Pansies. Cotgrave. Pensee; The flower Paunsie.
Promptorium. Persley, herbe; Petrocillum. Catholicon. Parcelle; Petrocillum, herba est. Turner. Persely. Gerard. Parsley. Cotgrave. Persil; Parsely.
Promptorium. Peche, or peske, frute: Pesca, pomum Persicum. Turner. Peche tree. Gerard. The Peach tree. Cotgrave. Pesche; A Peach.
Promptorium. Pere, tre; Pirus. Catholicon. A Pere tre; Pirus. Turner. Peare tree. Gerard. The Peare tree. Cotgrave. Poire; A Peare.
Promptorium. Pese, frute of corne; Pisa. Catholicon. A Peise; Pisa. Turner. A Pease. Gerard. Peason. Cotgrave. Pois; A Peas or Peason.
Promptorium. Pepyr; Piper. Catholicon. Pepyr; Piper. Turner. Indishe Peper. Gerard. The Pepper plant. Cotgrave. Poyvre; Pepper.
Turner. Ernutte. Gerard. Earth-Nut, Earth Chestnut, or Kippernut. Cotgrave. Faverottes; Earth-nuts, Kipper-nuts, Earth-Chestnuts.
Promptorium. Pynot, tre; Pinus. Catholicon. A Pyne tree; pinus. Turner. Pyne tre. Gerard. The Pine tree. Cotgrave. Pin; A Pine tree.
Gerard. Pinks or wilde Gillofloures. Cotgrave. Oeillet; A Gilliflower; also, a Pinke.
Promptorium. Pyany, herbe; Pionia. Catholicon. A Pyon; pionia, herba est. Turner. Pyony. Gerard. Peionie. Cotgrave. Pion; A certaine great, round, and Bulbus-rooted flower, of one whole colour.
Promptorium. Plane, tre; Platanus. Catholicon. A Playne tre; platanus. Turner. Playne tree. Gerard. The Plane tree. Cotgrave. Platane; The right Plane tree (a stranger in England).
Promptorium. Planteyne, or plawnteyn, herbe; Plantago. Turner. Plantaine. Gerard. Land Plantaine. Cotgrave. Plantain; Plantaine, Way-bred.
Promptorium. Plowme; Prunum. Catholicon. A Plowmbe; prunum. Turner. Plum tree. Gerard. The Plum tree. Cotgrave. Prune; A Plumme.
Promptorium. Pomegarnet, frute; Pomum granatum, vel malum granatum. Catholicon. A Pomgarnett; Malogranatum, Malumpunicum. Turner. Pomgranat tree. Gerard. The Pomegranat tree. Cotgrave. Grenarde; a Pomegranet.
Promptorium. Popy, weed; Papaver, Codia. Turner. Poppy. Gerard. Poppy. Cotgrave. Pavot; Poppie, Cheesbowls.
Gerard. Potatus, or Potato's.
Promptorium. Prymerose; Primula, calendula, liqustrum. Catholicon. A Prymerose; primarosa, primula veris. Turner. Primrose. Gerard. Primrose. Cotgrave. Primevere; The Primrose.
Gerard. Melons, or Pumpions. Cotgrave. Pompon; A Pompion or Melon.
Promptorium. Quence, frute; Coctonum, Scitonum. Turner. Quince tree. Gerard. The Quince tree. Cotgrave. Coignier; A Quince tree.
Catholicon. Radcolle; Raphanus, herba est. Turner. Radice or Radishe. Gerard. Radish. Cotgrave. Radis; A Raddish root.
Promptorium. Reysone, or reysynge, frute; Uva passa, carica. Catholicon. A Rasyn; passa, racemus. Turner. Rasin. Gerard. Raisins. Cotgrave. Raisin; A Grape, also a Raisin.
Promptorium. Reed, of the fenne; Arundo, canna. Catholicon. A Rede; Arundo, canna, canula. Turner. Reed. Gerard. Reeds. Cotgrave. Roseau; A Reed, a Cane.
Gerard. Rubarb. Cotgrave. Reubarbe; The root called Rewbarb, or Rewbarb of the Levant.
Promptorium. Ryce, frute; Risia, vel risi. Catholicon. Ryse; risi judeclinabile. Turner. Ryse. Gerard. Rice. Cotgrave. Ris; The graine called Rice.
Promptorium. Rose, floure; Rosa. Catholicon. A Rose; rosa-sula, rosella. Turner. Rose. Gerard. Roses. Cotgrave. Rose; A Rose.
Promptorium. Rose Mary, herbe; Ros marinus, rosa marina. Catholicon. Rosemary; Dendrolibanum, herba est. Turner. Rosemary. Gerard. Rosemary. Cotgrave. Rosmarin; Rosemarie.
Promptorium. Ruwe, herbe; Ruta. Catholicon. Rewe; ruta, herba est. Turner. Rue. Gerard. Rue or Herb Grace. Cotgrave. Rue; Rue, Hearbe Grace.
Promptorium. Rysche, or rusche; Cirpus, juncus. Catholicon. A Rysche; ubi a Sefe (a Seyfe, juncus, biblus, cirpus). Gerard. Rushes. Cotgrave. Jonc; A rush, or bulrush.
Promptorium. Rye, corn; Siligo. Catholicon. Ry; Sagalum. Turner. Rye. Gerard. Rie. Cotgrave. Seigle; Rye.
Promptorium. Safrun; Crocum. Catholicon. Saferon; Crocus, crocum. Turner. Safforne, Saffron. Gerard. Saffron. Cotgrave. Saffron; Saffron.
Turner. Sampere. Gerard. Sampier. Cotgrave. Creste marine; Sampier, Sea Fennell, Crestmarine.
Promptorium. Saverey, herbe; Satureia. Catholicon. Saferay; Satureia, herba est. Turner. Saueray or Sauery. Gerard. Savorie.
Promptorium. Segge, of fenne, or wyld gladon; Acorus. Catholicon. A Segg; Carex. Turner. Sege or Sheregres. Cotgrave. Glayeul bastard; Sedge, wild flags, _&c.
Turner. Sene. Gerard. Sene. Cotgrave. Senne; The purging plant Sene.
Promptorium. Strawbery; Fragum. Catholicon. A Strabery; Fragum. Turner. Strawbery. Gerard. Straw-berries. Cotgrave. Fraise; A strawberrie.
Promptorium. Sycomoure, tree; Sicomorus, celsa. Gerard. The Sycomore tree. Cotgrave. Sycomore; The Sycomore.
Promptorium. Thystylle; Cardo, Carduus. Catholicon. A Thystelle; Cardo. Turner. Thistle. Gerard. Thistles. Cotgrave. Chardon; A Thistle.
Promptorium. Thorne; Spina, sentis, sentix. Catholicon. A Thorne; Spina, spinula, sentis. Turner. Whyte Thorne. Gerard. White Thorne. Cotgrave. Espine; A thorne.
Promptorium. Tyme, herbe; Tima, timum. Catholicon. Tyme; timum, epitimum. Turner. Wild Thyme. Gerard. Wilde Time. Cotgrave. Thym; The hearbe Time.
Catholicon. A Paddockstole; boletus, fungus, tuber, _&c. Gerard. Toadstooles. Cotgrave. Champignon; A Mushrum, Toadstoole, Paddockstoole.
Turner. Rape or Turnepe. Gerard. Turneps. Cotgrave. Naveau blanc de Jardin; Th' ordinarie Rape, or Turneps.
Promptorium. Fetche, corne, or tare; Vicia. Turner. Fyche. Gerard. The Vetch or Fetch. Cotgrave. Vesce; The pulse called Fitch, or Vetch.
Promptorium. Vyny or Vyne; Vitis. Catholicon. A Vyne tree; argitis, propago, vitis. Turner. Wild Vine. Gerard. The manured Vine. Cotgrave. Vigne; A Vine, the plant that beareth Grapes.
Promptorium. Vyalett, or vyolet, herbe; Viola. Catholicon. A Violett; Viola. Turner. Violet. Gerard. Violets. Cotgrave. Violette; A Violet.
Promptorium. Walnote; Avelana. Catholicon. A Walnotte; Avellanus, Avellanum. Turner. Walnut tree. Gerard. The Wall-nut tree. Cotgrave. Noix; A Wallnut.
Promptorium. Wardone, peere; Volemum. Catholicon. A Wardon; Volemum, crustunum. Cotgrave. Poure de garde; A Warden, or Winter Peare.
Promptorium. Whete, Corne; Triticum, frumentum. Catholicon. Whete; Ceres, frumentum, triticum. Turner. Wheate. Gerard. Wheate. Cotgrave. Froment; Wheat.
Promptorium. Wylowe, tree; Salix. Catholicon. A Wylght; Salix. Turner. Wylow tree. Gerard. The Willow tree. Cotgrave. Saule; A Sallow, Willow, or Withie tree.
Promptorium. Woode Bynde; Caprifolium, vicicella. Catholicon. Wodde bynde; terebinthus. Turner. Wodbynde. Gerard. Wood-bind or Honeysuckle. Cotgrave. Chevre-fueille; The wood-bind or honie-suckle.
Promptorium. Wyrmwode, herbe; Absinthum. Catholicon. Wormede; absinthum. Turner. Mugwort, Wormwod. Gerard. Wormewood. Cotgrave. Absynthe; Wormewood.
Promptorium. V tree; Taxus. Catholicon. An Eu tre; taxus. Turner. Yewtree. Gerard. The Yew tree. Cotgrave. If; An Yew or Yew tree.
[393:1] Where any of these five are omitted, that author does not name the plant. In many cases the same plant is given under different names; but I have not thought it necessary to quote more than one. In the quotations from Turner the preference is given to the "Names of Herbes," where the plant is mentioned in both works. _ |