_ Based on references to datable external events, the story covers at least ten years. The parts of the book that take place in Connecticut are filled with descriptions of changing seasons. Europe and the southern states have no climate. "two young gentlemen of Connecticut ... graduated at Yale College" "Beauman ... came regularly once in two or three months" "Beauman's visits to Melissa became more frequent" "[Beauman's] visits became more and more frequent." "It was summer, and towards evening when [Alonzo] arrived."
To accommodate Beauman's repeated visits, a full year would have to pass. "The troubles which gave rise to the disseveration of England from America had already commenced, which broke out the ensuing spring into actual hostilities, by the battle of Lexington, followed soon after by the battle of Bunker Hill." The battles took place in April and June of 1775; "the ensuing spring" would mean that the year is 1774. "Winter came on; it rapidly passed away. Spring advanced..." 1774 changes to 1775 "The spring opened ... the colonies, which had now been dissevered from the British empire, by the declaration of independence"
This is the same spring as in the previous quotation, but if the Declaration of Independence (July 1776) is in the past, it would have to be the spring of 1777. "It was at the latter end of the month of May" May 1775 or 1777, depending on one's chosen chronology. "The particulars of this action, in the early stage of the American war, are yet remembered by many." The "action" may be a conflation of two different episodes involving the Trumbull, neither of them early in the war: the first was in June 1780, the second in late August 1781. The Trumbull was towed to New York, not to London. "who died there about eighteen months ago" Alonzo took sail shortly after learning of Melissa's death, so we are now in early 1783. [Melissa's gravestone] "October 26, 1776 / In the 18th year of her age." Depending on the chronology chosen, Melissa's reported death could have been in 1775, 1777 or 1781. Her 18th year is properly the year leading up to her 18th birthday, but may mean that she was 18 years old. "to be opened that night only, with the tragedy of Gustavus" Gustavus was written by Henry Brooke in 1739 and immediately banned. Its American premiere was in Baltimore on 14 June 1782. * * * * * Quotations Only a few quotations have been identified. Some of the others may be paraphrases. "Call round her laughing eyes, in playful turns, The glance that lightens, and the smile that burns." Erasmus Darwin, 1731-1802, "The Temple of Nature, or, The Origin of Society" But far beyond the pride of pomp, and power, He lov'd the realms of nature to explore; . . . Timothy Dwight (president of Yale), 1752-1817, The Conquest of Canaan. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature says that the poem was "written by the time he was twenty-two, but published when he was thirty-three and should have known better." "musing, moping melancholy." Arthur Murphy, The Upholsterer or What News (1758), I:i: "musing, moping, melancholy lover". "The breeze's rustling wing was in the tree" This unidentified line is also quoted in Mitchell's Albert and Eliza. the "stilly sound" of the low murmuring brook Misprinted in 1851 as "slitty sound". Probably John Home, Douglas (1756) IV:i. "the confused noise of the warriors, and garments rolled in blood," 1804 text has "warrior". Isaiah 9:5 (King James): For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood. until "the heavens were arrayed in blackness." Isaiah 50:3: "I clothe the heavens with blackness, and I make sackcloth their covering." he cast a "longing, lingering look" Thomas Gray (1716-71) Elegy. "Blue trembling billows, topp'd with foam," The 1804 and 1811 texts have the correct form "tumbling billows". Anarchiad, a New England Poem (1786-87) with joint authors Joel Barlow (1754-1812), David Humphreys (1752-1818), John Trumbull (1750-1831) and Lemuel Hopkins (1750-1801). "dingy scud" Printed "dirgy scud" in all but the 1804 original. Possibly from Charles Dibdin (b. 1745), "Ev'ry Inch a Sailor": The wind blew hard, the sea ran high, The dingy scud drove 'cross the sky ... "... like Patience on a monument ..." Twelfth Night II:iv. The "days of other years" Possibly from "Ossian" (James MacPherson); the phrase is used often. Here may the "widowed wild rose love to bloom!" May be a paraphrase of another line in The Conquest of Canaan. "Song, beauty, youth, love, virtue, joy ...." Identified in the text as Edward Young, Night Thoughts, 1745. The couplet on the title page is from the same source. "To tie those bands which nought but death can sever." May be "bonds" as in 1804 text. The phrase "that naught but death can sever" occurs in Spenser, Amoretti VI (1595). "white as the southern clouds" The phrase occurs in a translation of Salomon Gessner, as well as in an 1817 text (Pennie, "The Royal Minstrel"). Both passages are descriptions of sheep. "a good old age" The phrase occurs at least four times in the King James Bible. * * * * * * * * * Other Editions The editions available for comparison were: 1804 Weekly installments in The Political Barometer, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. This version was only available in an online transcription. A number of questioned words were checked with the transcriber, Hugh MacDougall of the Cooper Society. 1811 Plattsburgh, N.Y. "Printed For The Proprietor." The first of the pirated editions. Some copies have no author credit. 1851 Boston. "Printed for the Publishers." Attached to the end, without page break, is a short narrative poem with prose introduction, "Henry and Julia, a tale of real life" (omitted from this e-text). 1864 Philadelphia, Lippincott. With two exceptions, this is a reprint of the 1851 edition, including obvious typographical errors and with identical punctuation. There is a new frontispiece (the 1851 edition had none). The "Henry and Julia" poem is omitted. Instead, the final page compresses the last two pages (one full page plus seven lines of text and a four-line footnote) of the 1851 edition into one, using a noticeably smaller font. 1870? New York, Leavitt & Allen. The date is hypothetical, based on librarian's notation. The book is probably a reprint of the 1836 Boston edition, which has the same page count (significantly different from other known editions); 1836 is also a plausible date for the frontispiece. General Differences: In the 1804 and 1811 texts, dialogue is usually punctuated as "To this place (said Melissa) have I taken...." with some variation between brackets [] and parentheses (). In the 1870 text, dialogue has "modern" punctuation with single quotes: 'To this place,' said Melissa, 'have I taken....' The earlier versions are more likely to use "American" spellings such as "jail" (but "gaoler") and "honor"; later editions (published in the U.S.) use "British" spellings such as "gaol" and "honour". The older form "shew" appears only in the earliest editions. The spelling "stupify" is used consistently, and "vallies" is almost universal. The spellings "discreet(ly)" and "discrete(ly)" seem to have been used interchangeably. Names in "New" such as "New London" were generally hyphenated in 1804; later versions have fewer hyphens, but they never disappear altogether. The ampersand & appears a few dozen times in the original (1804) version; in 1811 most were changed to "and", and in later editions it survived only in the form "&c." The 1804 and 1811 texts use "consolate" for "console" almost everywhere, and the name is spelled Wyllys, changed in later editions to Wyllis. The 1811 text consistently uses the spelling "whipperwill", and often uses "come" and "become" for "came" and "became". The 1851 text often uses non-standard spellings such as "visiter", "suiter", "persuit". The 1870 text consistently spells "lilly" with two l's, and uses "set" for "sit"; it often interchanges or omits "the/this/that" and similar. In All Editions:
With lingering gaze Edinian spring survey'd [for Edenian] The panic and general bustle which took place in America on these events, is yet well remembered by many. ["is" for "are"] to level on the property of the former [common error or variant for "levy"] this measure, once adopted, her father must consent also [sentence structure is the same in all editions] constructed of several tier of hewed timbers ["tier" used as a plural] he should conduct in a very different manner [sentence structure is the same in all editions] Details: The following are highlights, not an exhaustive list. See below for errors corrected in the 1851 text. Spelling and punctuation have been regularized in some cases. In the time of the late American revolution 1811ff ... the late revolution at the day appointed 1811ff on the day appointed her aspect was attempered with a pensive mildness 1870 her aspect was tempered ... [QUOTATION] For far beyond the pride and pomp of power 1870 pride or pomp The heaven embosom'd sun; the rainbow's die 1851 the rainbow's dye a few days, during which time they passed in visiting select friends and in social parties. 1870 a few days, which time they passed in was visiting ... 1811/51 and social parties the sound of various instrumental music 1811ff ... of instrumental music mortgages on lands and houses for security 1811ff ... securities attracted him hither. If he had admired the manly virtues of the brother, could he fail to adore the sublimer graces 1870 thither ... the sublime graces the milder and more refined excellencies of the other? 1870 ... of the latter? He came regularly, about once in two or three months 1811ff He came regularly, once in ... It was not probable, therefore, that he would be objectionable to Melissa's friends--Nor to Melissa herself----said Alonzo, with an involuntary sigh. 1811ff "It is not probable therefore that he will be objectionable to Melissa's friends or to Melissa herself," ... Was it not then highly probable that he had secured her affections? 1870 Was it not highly probable then that ... the foliage glittering to the western ray 1851 glittering the 1870 glittering in the the extremest verge of the horizon. "This is a most beautiful scene," said Melissa. 1811ff the extreme verge 1851/70 a most delightful scene he was not always my beau-man 1851/70 he was not always my Beauman He formally addresses you. 1851 He formerly. Al. Melissa. [A pause ensued.] 1870 ... [A pause.] but his fears declared otherways 1811ff ... otherwise friendship must yield its pretensions to a superior claim 1870 friendship must yield to a superior claim Were Beauman here, my position might be demonstrated. 1811ff Was Beauman here ... She was still silent. 1870 She was silent. Mel. (confused.) If it be a proper one. You are entitled to candour. 1811ff ... If it be a proper one you are ... her voice tremulous, her eyes still cast down.) My parents have informed me that it is improper to receive the particular addresses of more than one. 1870 her voice trembles 1811 the particular address But-- (she hesitated.) 1870 But (she blushed.) [QUOTATION] Darted her silvery intercepted ray 1811 Darted his silvery ... nor had they attempted to influence or forestal her choice 1811ff ... to influence or direct her choice We must pour a liberal libation upon the mystic altar 1870 We must pour out a liberal libation to the mystic altar And why have I ever doubted this event" said Alonzo. "What infatuation hath thus led me on the pursuit of fantastic and unreal bliss? 1870 And why have I doubted ... led me on to the pursuit ... and will convince both Melissa and Beauman 1811ff and I will convince Melissa and Beauman she has treated me as a friend to her brother. She was the unsuspecting object of my passion. She was unconscious of the flame 1811/51/70 ... as a friend to her brother. She was unconscious ... said that business had prevented him; he esteemed him as his most valued friend 1851/70 said that business prevented him ... most valuable to which you attended me when you was last here 1870 ... when you last was here The solemn herds lowed in monotonous symphony. The autumnal insects in sympathetic wailings 1870 in solemn symphony 1811 waftings 1851/70 wafting the rude despoiling hand of winter 1870 the despoiling hand of winter She was still silent 1851/70 She was silent. The "stilly sound" of the low murmuring brook 1851 slitty sound 1870 distant sound the frequent lights darted their paly lustre thro' the gloom 1811/51 palely lustre 1870 pale lustre but other subjects engaged the mental attention of Alonzo. 1811ff but the other subject ... Alonzo and Beauman pledged their honour to abide explicitly by these injunctions 1851 ... abide implicitly by ... 1870 ... abide implicitly to ... That time has now arrived 1851/70 That time has arrived the deep and solemn silence of night 1870 the deep and sullen silence of night bowed to the minutia of female volatility 1870 minutiae [[Note that "minutiae" is the correct form. All earlier editions, including the 1804 original, have the incorrect word "minutia".]] finally appointed a day to give both him and Alonzo a determinate answer 1811ff ... to give him and Alonzo a determinate answer to make a journey into a different part of the country 1811ff to make a journey to a distant part ... thither he hasted to gain shelter from the approaching storm. 1811ff thither he hastened ... In a moment he discovered that it was Melissa. 1870 In a moment, however, he discovered that it was Melissa. Alonzo felt all the force of the remark 1870 Alonzo felt the force ... remaining beauties of Summer 1811ff remaining beauties of the summer the battle at Lexington, followed soon after by the battle at Bunker's Hill. 1870 of Lexington ... of Bunker Hill 1811ff Bunker Hill Alonzo and she frequently discoursed upon the subject, and they agreed 1811ff Alonzo and she frequently discoursed, and they agreed orchards, arbours, and cultured fields 1811ff ... cultivated fields The inhabitants of this modern Avernum 1851/70 ... Auvernum [sic] Such was the place chosen for the future residence of Alonzo and Melissa. 1811ff Such was the place for the residence ... "the confused noise of the warrior, and garments rolled in blood," 1811ff ... of the warriors ... this modern Vacluse [sic] 1851/70 this modern Vaucluse the walks, the meads, the fountains 1811ff the walks, the mead, the fountains Around the horizon electric clouds raised their brazen summits, based in the black vapor of approaching night 1870 Around the horizon clouds raised their brazen summits, based on the and the adjacent towns and villages, presented to the eye, on a single view, perhaps one of the most picturesque draperies 1870 and the adjacent towns and villages, perhaps one of the most picturesque draperies she had an uncle who lived near Charleston, in South Carolina 1870 she had an uncle near Charleston, South Carolina was expected to arrive before the appointed marriage day. 1811ff ... before the appointed day He would frequently start up in the bed 1870 ... in bed He scarcely spoke a word, and after the table was removed 1870 ... after the cloth was removed that the reputation of my latter days was stained with acts of baseness and meanness. 1870 ... acts of baseness. I had some hopes that your happiness, Alonzo, might yet be secured 1870 ... might be secured We would not stop the reader to moralize on this disastrous event. 1811ff We will not ... I know the old gentleman too well 1870 I know that old gentleman too well fringed with the gold of even 1851/70 fringed with the gold of evening Her countenance appeared dejected, which on her seeing Alonzo 1870 Her countenance appeared to be dejected ... 1811ff ... which, on seeing ... Thus spake my father, and immediately withdrew 1870 Thus spoke my father, and immediately withdrew Mr. and Mrs. Vincent are now my only confidents 1851/70 ... confidants but the sound, late so cheerful and sprightly 1870 but the sound, so cheerful and sprightly a deep dejection was depicted upon her features 1870 ... in her features Alonzo was received with a cool reserve 1870 ... a cold reserve Melissa's father soon entered 1811ff Melissa's father entered if you marry in your present situation? I know you have talents and have had an education. But what are they without means? You have friends 1811/51/70 if you marry in your present situation? You have friends the hand of Melissa." Thus spake the father of Melissa, and immediately left the room. 1811ff of Melissa"--and immediately left the room. it was a shock their fortitude could scarcely sustain 1870 ... scarcely contain Disappointment seldom finds its votaries prepared to receive her. 1811ff ... her votaries ... but could not counteract the will of her father 1811ff but could not contradict the will of her father after Alonzo had related the manner of his reception 1870 after Alonzo had related his reception of little consequence. But their united situation tortured his soul.--What was to become of Melissa, what of himself 1870 of little consequence. But what was to become of Melissa, what of himself With part of this I have purchased a small, but well cultivated farm 1811ff With this I have ... a ray of joy illumined his troubled bosom. 1811ff illuminated [QUOTATION] Like morn's gay hues, the fading splendors fled 1870 gray He thought on Melissa, from whom he had heard nothing since he last saw her.--He thought on the difficulties which surrounded him. He thought on the barriers which were opposed to his happiness 1811ff He thought of ... thought of ... thought of The day after you left here, her father received a letter 1811ff The day after you were here ... Where is your fortitude and your firmness," said he 1851 "Where," said he, "is your fortitude and your firmness 1870 Where is your fortitude and firmness," said he war ends in peace 1811ff wars end in peace transports them to another and a better world 1811/51 ... and better world but where, alas were the means of alleviation? 1811ff but alas! where were ... ordered her to prepare to become the wife of Beauman 1811ff ordered her to become the wife of Beauman You suffer the Jack-a-lantern fancy to lead you 1870 ... Jack-with-a-lantern ... Marry Beauman, and you roll in your coach 1811ff ... you will roll in your coach I give you now two days to consider the matter 1870 ... to consider of the matter bordered with the odor-flowering lilac 1811ff bordered with the odour-flowing lilac He turned, and saw Edgar approaching: in a moment they were in each other's arms, and mingled tears 1870 He turned round and saw ... mingling tears You, Alonzo, must exert your fortitude 1870 You, Alonzo, must ever exert your fortitude It must, I think, ere long, be determined 1811ff ... be terminated it is in your power to remove them; and if you are a man of honour you will remove them. You cannot wish 1870 it is in your power to remove them. You cannot wish half squeaking through her nose, which was well charged with rappee, "did'nt I tell you so? I knew the fellow would come to no terms 1870 half speaking 1811ff I knew the fellow would not come to terms your daughter. And I should not wonder if you should soon find that the girl had eloped, and your desk robbed into the bargain 1870 your daughter. I should not wonder ... 1811ff ... find the girl had eloped, and your desk robbed in the bargain his eyes flashed resentment 1811/51 flashed in 1870 flashed with unless she was already apprised of it 1811 was apprised 1851/70 was appraised the feeble glimmer of the twinkling stars 1811ff glimmering "Thou still knowest me, Curlow," said Alonzo 1870 ... Carlow ... Here all was solemn, dark and silent as in front 1811ff Here all was solemn and silent as in front "Be calm," Alonzo, said she, "I think it will not long last 1851/70 ... not last long I believe they will trust me to see her 1851/70 I believe they will let me see her Unfeeling and impertinent intruder (retorted Alonzo) 1811 ... intruder, [retorted Alonzo] 1851 ... intruder? retorted Alonzo 1870 ... intruder?" retorted Alonzo and were it on no other account, must ever continue to despise and hate you 1811ff and were it not on one other account ... 1870 ... to hate and despise you From a coincidence of consequences 1811ff From coincidence of circumstances the family had retired to rest 1811ff the family had gone to rest Alonzo's feelings were on the wrack until she returned 1811 on the wreck 1851/70 on the rack Melissa's aunt (the old maid) had invited her to ride out with her 1870 Melissa's aunt had ... he had sent their daughter to a different part of the country 1811ff ... a distant part of the country living with the different relatives of the family 1811ff living with the relatives of the family He sat silent a few moments; then suddenly started up 1851/70 ... suddenly starting up Melissa had not, indeed, the most distant suspicion of the designs of her father and aunt. The latter informed her that she was going to take a morning's ride, to which she consented. She did not even perceive the trunk which was fastened on behind the carriage 1870 Melissa had not the most distant suspicion ... a morning ride ... that was fastend [sic] on behind the carriage Melissa had frequently attended her father or mother 1851/70 ... her father and mother her aunt ordered the driver to proceed a different way 1870 her aunt had ordered ... They arrived at another small village 1811ff They arrived at another village Melissa's aunt, handing the driver a large bunch of keys 1870 Melissa's aunt handed the driver ... "La me!" she cried 1870 "La me!" cried she the opposite side of the house from whence she alighted 1870 ... from where she alighted This was done, while John and his wife went out, and Melissa's aunt 1811ff This done, while John and his wife went out, Melissa's aunt hoping to see the return of the carriage 1811ff hoping to see the carriage return surrounded by high, thick walls 1811ff surrounded by a high, thick wall They unlocked the door, which creaked heavily on its hinges 1811 ... the door, which screaked ... as I have took care to lock all the doors and gates after me 1851/70 as I have taken care ... circumstances have hitherto hindered my carrying the scheme into effect 1870 circumstances have hitherto hindered me from carrying my scheme into effect stared around her with a wild and agonizing countenance 1811ff ... a wild agonizing countenance She remained seemingly insensible throughout the night: just at morning, she fell into a slumber, interrupted by incoherent moanings, convulsive startings, long sighs 1811ff through the night ... long drawn sighs taking the key of that with her. She generally returned before sunset. When Melissa was so far recovered 1870 taking the key of that with her. When Melissa was so far recovered A few medical and odoriferous herbs 1851 medinical [sic] 1870 medicinal The out buildings were generally in a ruinous situation 1870 ... in a ruinous condition through several upper rooms to the chamber she inhabited 1811ff ... the chamber they inhabited West, all was wilderness, from a brook which wound along at a little distance from the garden wall. North, were the uneven grounds she had crossed when she came there 1811ff from which a brook 1851/70 wound along a little distance from 1870 the uneven grounds which she had crossed South, was the Sound and Long Island. 1811ff South, was the Sound of Long Island. Melissa passed much of her time in tracing the ruins 1870 Melissa passed much time in tracing the ruins She could have been contented here to have buried all her afflictions 1811ff ... buried her afflictions while the disconsolate tear of reflection glittered in her eye 1811ff while the disconsolate tear glittered in her eye more solicitous and importunate. A subject so hateful to Melissa sometimes provoked her to tears; at others her keen resentment. 1811ff more solicitous and impertinent ... 1851 at other Melissa sat up until a late hour, expecting her; she then went to the gate 1811 hour in the night 1851/70 hour of the night 1811ff ... she went to the gate "I had forgotten," said her aunt, "that my rents became due this week." 1851/70 ... that my rents become due this week she heard a noise as of several people trampling in the yard below 1870 she heard a noise of several people ... It was extremely dark, she could discern nothing. All was still and she thought she might have been deceived 1811ff It was extremely dark; she thought she might have been discovered to collect some debts of those to whom she had rented lands 1870 ... rented some lands and in the day time, in walking around the yard and garden 1811ff and in the day, in walking ... She stepped softly to the window, suddenly raised it, and held out the candle. She fancied she saw the glimpse of two or three dark forms pass swiftly along, but so indistinctly that it was impossible to determine whether they were real, or only shadows produced by objects intervening the light of the candle. She listened and gazed 1811/51/70 She stepped softly to the window, suddenly raised it, and held out the candle. She listened and gazed All was still; she shut the window, and in a short time went to bed. 1811ff All was silent ... she heard loud noises in the rooms below 1870 she heard noises in the rooms below a cold chilly sweat ran down her face 1811ff ... run down her face grasped her arm which lay on the outside of the bed clothes 1870 grasped her arm which lay outside of the bed clothes no visible being was in the room except herself. She sat down, pondering these strange events. Was it not possible that she was right 1870 no visible being was in the room except herself; how then could she account for these events? Was ... 1811ff probable Might not this be the effect of a terrified and heated imagination? Or if false keys had been made use of to enter the rooms below, might they not be also used to enter her chamber? But could her room 1870 ... imagination? But could her room She knew she could not sleep 1811ff She knew she could not go to sleep The moon had arisen and cast a pale, imperfect lustre over the landscape. She recollected the opening and shutting of the doors-- perhaps they were still open. 1811ff a pale lustre ... of the door She examined the others; they were in the same situation 1870 ... they were all in the same situation As soon as her scattered senses collected, she concluded that whoever had been in the house were there still 1870 As soon as her scattered senses were collected ... 1811ff ... whatever had been in the house was there still ascended in pyramidal columns to the zenith 1811 pyramidial 1851/70 pyramidical 1851/70 columns the zenith A small spot of ineffable brightness succeeded 1851/70 A spot of ... both sides of it were smoothe [sic] as glass. 1811ff as smooth as glass The events of the past night, therefore, remained inscrutable 1870 The events of the last night ... the gate opened and the house entered by the means of false keys. Her father would as soon do this as to confine her 1811/51 by means of false keys 1870 by false keys 1870 ... as confine her Innumerous stars glittered in the firmament, intermingling their quivering lustre with the pale splendours of the milkyway [sic] 1811ff Innumerable 1811 the milk way 1851/70 the milky way But why should she fear? She knew of no one she had injured. She knew of none she had displeased 1811/51/70 But why should she fear? She knew of none she had displeased the horizon was overclouded, and it had begun to rain. 1811ff ... and it began to rain convinced that she was safe and secure, she concluded to go to bed 1811ff convinced that she was safe and secure, she went to bed leaving, however, two candles burning in the room. As she for two nights had been deprived of her usual rest 1870 leaving, however, candles burning in the room. As she for two nights had been deprived of her rest a broad flash like that of lightning, transiently illuminated her chamber 1811ff a broad flash like lightning, transiently illuminated the chamber the sounds seemed to be in the rooms directly over her head 1870 the sound seemed to be in the room ... filled the house with the electric effluvium. She listened for a repetition of the thunder--but a very different sound soon grated 1870 with electric effluvium ... a very different sound grated the doors below alternately open and shut, flapping furiously 1811ff ... slapping furiously [[The 1804 text uses long "s". The reading "flapping" is the transcriber's best guess, but the condition of the text does not allow certainty.]] she perceived some person crawling on to its foot 1811ff ... on its foot instantaneously she sprang from the bed to the floor--with convulsive grasp, seized the candle 1870 instantly she ... 1811ff with convulsed grasp she was alarmed by a deep, hollow sigh 1870 she heard a deep, hollow sigh Not the least noise had been heard since she last returned 1870 ... since she returned Towards evening Melissa took her usual walk around the enclosure 1870 ... took a walk around the enclosure the light gales bore revigorating coolness 1870 the light gales bore invigorating coolness the flowery verdure of the fields were changing to a russet hue 1870 of the field 1811ff was changed hammering on the hollow trunk of some dry and blasted tree, filled the woods with reverberant echoes 1811ff hammering on some dry and blasted trees 1870 reverberating the images of departed joys 1870 the images of departing joys in this house of gloom rest, in undisturbed silence 1870 in this house of gloom rests ... throughout these now solitary demesnes 1851/70 throughout these solitary demesnes yonder halls and apartments shone with brilliant illumination. Now all is sad, solitary and dreary, the haunt of sprites and spectres of nameless terror. 1811ff in brilliant illumination ... the haunt of spirits All that now remains of the head that formed, the hand that executed 1870 ... the head that formed and the hand that executed the rising shower, which slowly ascended in gloomy pomp 1851/70 the rising shower, which ascended in gloomy pomp The lightning more broader and brighter flashed 1811ff The lightning broader 1851/70 flashes Convolving clouds pouring smoky volumes 1811ff Convolving clouds poured smoky volumes Slantways, the large heavy drops of rain began to descend 1851/70 Slant-wise ... It seemed nothing less than the crush of worlds 1851/70 ... the crash of worlds pass another night in the lonely mansion 1851/70 ... the lone mansion a voice behind her exclaimed, "Gracious heaven! Melissa!" 1870 a voice exclaimed ... "No one except myself, Alonzo," she answered 1811ff "No one except myself," she answered He followed her up to her apartment and seated himself by the fire 1811ff He followed her to her apartment ... separated from society, and no one present to interrupt them 1811ff separated from society, and no one to interrupt them Alonzo and Melissa heard little of it 1851 heard a little 1870 heard but little what course her aunt and she had taken 1811ff what course her aunt had taken where he accidentally found Melissa on a visit, as mentioned before 1811 [FOOTNOTE] See page 26 desiring Alonzo to remain at his house until he returned 1870 desiring Alonzo to remain until he returned they were deeply interested in his favour and the welfare of Melissa 1870 ... in his affairs and in the welfare of Melissa It is possible that Melissa is 1811ff It is not possible but that Melissa is At length a large, tall tree, which stood near him, on the verge of the moat, or rather, in that place, river, was hurled from its foundation 1811ff At length a large tree ... or rather in that place, was hurled from its foundation He scrambled up on the trunk, and made his way on to the wall 1811ff ... made his way on the wall found the door open, which Melissa had left so in her fright 1811ff ... had left in her fright they could not endure the idea of another and an immediate separation 1811ff ... another and immediate separation It would not be safe for Alonzo to stay there 1811ff It would not be safe for Alonzo to stay I would not wish unjustly to censure your father 1811ff I would not censure your father Melissa sighed, wiping a tear which fell from her eye. "Unqualified obedience to my parents," said she, "I have ever considered the first of duties 1870 sighed, wiped ... one of the first duties for reasons which Alonzo knew nothing of. But should she leave it in the way she had proposed, she was not sure but she would be immediately remanded back, more strictly guarded, and more severely treated. To continue there 1870 ... knew nothing of. To continue there Melissa was to leave the draw-bridge down 1811ff Melissa was to have the draw-bridge down he passed over, and she slowly withdrew 1870 he passed over and slowly withdrew The fire-fly sunk feebly twinkling amidst the herbage of the fields 1870 amongst the herbage 1870 NO FOOTNOTE and assisted him in obtaining a carriage 1870 to obtain a carriage and another burning on the table 1811ff and another was burning on the table By what means she had thus suddenly disappeared 1870 By what means had she thus suddenly disappeared John's hut was situate about one mile north from the mansion where she had been confined. When he came out near the road 1851/70 situated 1870 When he came near the road John stared in amazement 1851/70 John started in amazement her aunt is gone into the country and has not returned 1870 her aunt has gone ... John informed him that she was there about sunset 1870 ... he was there about sunset He returned in about half an hour 1870 He returned in half an hour the latter had taxed the former of improperly endeavoring 1870 ... with improperly endeavoring He told them all that had happened since he was there, of which, before, they had heard nothing. At the houses of Mr. Simpson and Vincent 1870 He told him all .... At the house and she wished to marry somebody else 1811ff and she wishes to marry somebody else Alonzo did not long hesitate what course to pursue 1870 Alonzo did not hesitate long ... the idea could not pluck the thorn from his bosom 1851/70 ... from his own bosom I have got considerable money at command 1870 ... at my command He answered, that perhaps all might yet come right 1870 ... come to right his resources had not yet failed him 1851/70 his resources had not failed him he reached Killingsworth 1870 ... Killingworth through the night was wrecked with severe pain 1851/70 ... racked with severe pain it might prove an injury to her if she was there, and could answer no valuable purpose if she was not 1811ff ... if she were ... if she were not he could not distinguish her features 1870 he did not distinguish her features he now had a side view of her face, and was more than ever convinced that it was Melissa 1870 he had a side view of her face, was more ... he found it was Melissa's cousin 1811ff he found it to be Melissa's cousin "Do you not think," said Mrs. Wyllis, "that she resembles their cousin Melissa, who resided there some time ago?" 1870 ... her cousin Melissa ... what course to pursue, he was at a loss to determine upon. 1811ff what course to pursue, he was at a loss to determine. Alonzo felt no strong curiosity farther to examine her features 1870 Alonzo felt no curiosity ... An incident tended to confirm his resolution 1851/70 ... this resolution her fine eyes were closed for ever 1851/70 her fine eyes had closed for ever and shook the trembling frame of Alonzo 1811ff and shocked the trembling frame of Alonzo the sun of peace may yet dispel the glooms of these distressful hours 1870 ... dispel these distressful hours the death list arrested his attention 1870 the death list attracted his attention Died, of a consumption ... 1804/11: DIED, of a consumption on the 26th ult. at the seat of her uncle, Col. W****** D----, near Charleston, South-Carolina, whither she had repaired for her health, Miss Melissa D----, the amiable daughter of J**** D----, Esq. of *******, Connecticut, in the 18th year of her age. 1851: Died, of a consumption, on the 26th ult. at the seat of her uncle, Col. W. D--, near Charleston, South Carolina, whither she had repaired for her health, Miss Melissa D----, the amiable daughter of J---- D----, Esq. of *******, Connecticut, in the eighteenth year of her age. 1870: Died, of a consumption, on the 26th ult. at the seat of her uncle, Col. W. D----, near Charleston, South Carolina, whither she had repaired for her health, Miss Melissa D----, the amiable daughter of J. D----, Esq. of ------, Connecticut, in the eighteenth year of her age. The fanciful part of our readers may be ready to cast it aside 1811ff ... may cast it aside the geni which animated and enlivened it 1811ff the genius which animated and enlivened it Arouse your hero. Call to his aid 1811 Arouse your hero: call to his aid 1851/70 Arouse your hero? call to his aid to what pathos of grief and wretchedness 1811ff to what paths of grief and wretchedness regions where my guardian angel is gone 1811/51 regions where my guardian is gone nature triumphed over disease of body, he slowly recovered 1811 body--he 1851/70 body, and he an uncle who resided near Charleston in South Carolina [See Barometer No. 110.] 1811 [FOOTNOTE] See page 39. 1851/70 NO FOOTNOTE roved, he knew not whether [sic] [for "whither"] 1811ff where the dircle sung mournfully in the grass 1811ff ... on the grass through which they had passed, were recalled to his mind 1851/70 ... were called to his mind His fancy saw her--felt her gently leaning on his arm 1870 His fancy saw her--he felt ... Again was he enraptured by the melody of her voice 1811ff Again he was enraptured ... the first time he saw her at her cousin's [See Barometer No. 105. See also allusions to this scene in several subsequent parts of the story.] 1811/51 [FOOTNOTE] See page 7/8. See also ... 1870 NO FOOTNOTE his former bliss and anxiety, where every countenance would tend to renew his mourning, where every door would be inscribed with a memento mori 1870 the scenes of his former bliss and anxiety, where every door would be inscribed with a memento mori the breezes rustled from their woody coverts 1811ff the breezes rushed the willderness [sic] of its waters 1811ff its wilderness of waters A new scene now opened to Alonzo 1811ff A new scene was now opened to Alonzo [QUOTATION] Blue tumbling billows, topp'd with foam 1851/70 Blue trembling billows ... The dingy scud first flew swiftly along the sky 1811ff The dirgy scud ... It appeared to be of about equal force and dimensions 1811ff It appeared to be of equal force and dimensions the ship went down and was for ever buried 1870 the ship went down and was buried as there existed no parental or other impediments to our union 1811ff as there were no ... the friend and intimate of my angel in my absence. They were now almost every day together, so that I had frequently opportunities 1811ff the friend and inmate ... 1851/70 ... frequent opportunities promised to obey her injunctions 1811ff proceeded 1870 injunction No, it was not this that caused you to perjure your plighted vows 1811ff No, it was not that which ... I had worked up my feelings almost to the frenzy of distraction 1870 I worked up my feelings ... gently pressed in the hand of the stranger 1870 ... in the hands of the stranger a little arbour, at a few yards distant from where I was 1811ff a little arbour, a few ... 1851/70 ... where I sat "I forgive you, Henry," she said, "I forgive your mistake," 1851 "I forgive you," Henry, she said, "forgive your mistake" I made no defence; was condemned to death 1851/70 defence; and was frequently enter the prison to console and comfort him [here alone, the 1804 form is "console" rather than "consolate"] But the grief that preyed at his heart had wasted him to a skeleton 1851/70 ... to a mere skeleton trusting in the mercy of his Creator through the merits of a Redeemer 1811ff ... the sufferings of a Redeemer were loose and could easily be removed 1851/70 were loose and could be easily removed every article of which he cut into narrow strips 1811 ... narrow slips a piece of long timber 1811ff a long piece of timber as useless encumbrances without his clothes 1811ff as a useless encumbrance ... You must have experienced a severe gale indeed 1870 You have experienced ... The sailor mused a few minutes 1870 The sailor mused for a few minutes Alonzo entered it to see how the sick and disabled American prisoners were treated 1811ff ... and disabled prisoners were treated [FOOTNOTE] were treated with much more humanity than those who were imprisoned in America 1870 ... imprisoned at Halifax and other places in America he now found that he had lost his leg 1870 he now discovered ... it is possible I have been undesigningly accessory 1811ff ... undesignedly accessory to render him more comfortable. Beauman replied that he was not: "For the comforts of life," said he 1870 to make him more 1811ff the comforts of this life 1811 replied he he would fall into incoherent mutterings 1851/70 ... muttering a natural stone was placed at its head 1870 ... at his head bearing a large trunk on his shoulder, and directing Alonzo 1811ff ... and directed Alonzo not with a view to returning to America; he had yet no relish for revisiting 1811ff of returning 1870 ... he had no relish for revisiting Of this Alonzo gave a minute account 1811ff Of this Alonzo gave him a minute account Alonzo enquired for the name to whom the note was addressed 1870 ... the man to whom ... Alonzo gave his employer no room to complain 1870 ... no reason to complain Alonzo dressed himself in deep mourning 1870 Alonzo dressed in deep mourning he took it up and found it to be a curiously wrought purse 1870 ... a curious wrought purse what he esteemed most invaluable 1811ff what he esteemed most valuable Lost, between the hours of 9 and 10 last evening, in the Rue de Loire 1811ff nine and ten ... Loir [sic] had hitherto taken no notice of what had passed 1870 ... of what passed a letter from his father, while he was at the army 1811 while at 1851/70 while with Last evening I lost the miniature which I suppose you have found 1870 ... which I suppose you to have found which I probably dropped on replacing in my pocket 1811ff ... on replacing it in my pocket it has become a most precious and invaluable relique 1811ff ... and valuable relique The next morning as they were about to part 1811ff ... about to depart and sighed as ardently for some other trifle 1811ff and sighed as earnestly ... turns to some other source to supply the vacuum 1811ff ... to supply vacuum Stripped of all but their intrinsic value 1811ff Stripped of all their intrinsic value inordinate passion, or what you would call pure affection 1811ff ... what some would call ... pining for a hopeless object 1811ff ... a hapless object which will sail for any part of America in some time 1851/70 ... for some time Ah! had this but have happened in time to save a life 1870 Ah! had this but happened ... consecrated piles, and funereal monuments of the sacred dead 1811ff sacred piles, and funeral monuments ... October 26, 1776, 1811 Oct. how tenderly pensive does she beam her lovely eyes upon me! 1811ff how tenderly does she beam her lovely eye upon me! There [pointing to the grave] there behold how my dearest wishes 1811ff Then ... the first holy whisper of her consecrated lips 1870 whispers determining to proceed on early in the morning 1811ff ... proceed early in the morning 1870 ... proceed early the next morning which before sunrise encreased to a violent storm 1851/70 which before sunrise had encreased to a violent storm was to be opened for that night only 1851/70 was to be opened that night only To the general enquiry of "what's the matter? " 1851/70 To the general enquiry, "what's the matter? " forbade that he should re-pierce the ten thousand wounds 1811ff forbade that he re-pierce ... [QUOTATION] Song, beauty, youth, love, virtue, joy: this group . . . As yet unforfeit! in one blaze we bind. 1870 Song, beauty, love ... 1870 As yet a forfeit! ... They immediately retired to a separate room, where the stranger 1811ff ... when the stranger private concerns; more extraordinary may you esteem it 1851/70 private concerns, and more extraordinary you may esteem it "Are you unmarried, sir?" "I am now, and have ever been single." 1811ff Are you married 1851/70 I am not numberless suitors have sighed for her hand 1811ff numberless suitors sighed ... It seemed that if she could but speak with him 1870 ... speak to him This extraordinary dream she has communicated 1851/70 ... she had communicated Her father, who has but two children besides herself, being dotingly fond of her 1811 two children, one besides herself 1851/70 two children, one beside herself 1811 doting in a rallying way told her I had seen her invisible beau 1811 in a railing way 1851/70 told her that I she thought but little of it 1811ff she thought little of it my leaving you so abruptly, and of my not returning 1811ff ... and not returning Now, sir, it is necessary for me farther to explain 1870 Now, sir, it is necessary farther to explain on reviewing the incidents which led to 1811ff on reviewing the incidents which to I have experienced a sufficient change of objects and of country 1851/70 ... and country a silk girdle, with diamond clasps 1811ff a silken girdle ... Did not Alonzo see her death announced in the public prints? 1851/70 ... her death in ... And is not all this sufficient to prove 1811ff And is not this ... However the author may succeed in description 1811ff ... in his description the bower on her favorite hill 1870 the bower of ... Have we not, according to the advice of the moralist [FOOTNOTE] 1804 see Barometer, no. 118 their tears fell in one immingling shower 1811ff ... one intermingling shower you were proof against the whole arcana of beauty 1870 ... the whole arena of beauty Indeed, sir, I cannot but applaud your discrimination 1811ff ... your determination the true novel style 1811ff the novel style "There I confess," said he, looking at Alonzo 1811ff "Then I confess" ... He is the son of a deceased uncle 1811ff ... my deceased uncle a servant took charge of Alonzo's carriage 1851/70 ... took care ... the eldest, a son about ten years of age 1811ff the eldest son, about ten years of age to its members and its guests. And here, were we to adopt the method of some novel writers, we might close our history, and leave it for imagination to paint the sequel. But there are some mysteries, which if not elucidated, will render our story incomplete, and besides were we to stop here, the real finishing stroke would still be wanting; we shall therefore pass with as much rapidity as possible over the remaining incidents of our story, rendered already too lengthy for a weekly paper. It was agreed that Alonzo 1811ff to its members and its guests. // It was agreed that Alonzo [entire paragraph omitted] I told her that as I had been placed there by my father, I should not consent to a removal unless by his express orders 1811ff I told her that I had been placed there by my father, and should not consent I hardly know what I did wish 1811ff I hardly knew ... As we passed out of the gate, I looked back at the mansion 1870 ... back to the mansion which put him in a terrible fluster 1851/70 ... a terrible flutter we have little peace in the house 1870 we have but little peace in the house the servant delivered a packet of letters 1811ff ... a package of letters my uncle found it impossible to submit to these stern injunctions 1811ff ... these firm injunctions soon after the birth of their first child 1811ff ... the first child Inconsolable and comfortless, my uncle put the child out to nurse 1870 ... the child to nurse He finally married to an amiable and respectable woman 1870 He finally married to an amiable woman yet soon greatly alleviated the pangs of early sorrow 1851/70 yet greatly ... he considers you to have formed an improper connection 1870 he considers you have ... I have seen some troubles in this way myself, in my early days; perhaps my counsel may be of some service 1870 in that way ... council I immediately gave him a correct account 1811ff I immediately gave a correct account write to your father, advising him not to proceed too rashly 1811ff ... desiring him ... her health evidently decreasing after she came to this place 1851/70 ... decreasing. After ... and was thereafter retained in the family 1811ff and was therefore ... In Charleston it was also generally supposed 1851/70 In Charleston it was generally supposed he was not only deprived of you 1811ff he was not only deprived of me except that you had gone in search of me. Vincent conjectured that you had gone to New London 1811ff except that you had gone to New London He then confidentially unfolded to your father 1870 He then confidently ... from whence you then came, to where you went 1851/70 from whence you then came, or where you went she had undoubtedly given him his lesson 1811ff ... given him instructions he finally initiated himself so far in my aunt's favor 1870 he initiated himself ... he had left a wife and family in Virginia in indigent circumstances 1870 he had a wife ... yesterday morning at my uncle's house in town, which Alfred had proposed for the scene of action 1811ff ... my uncle's house, which ... I trust that difficulty will soon be removed 1851/70 I trust that that difficulty ... if he had ever known Doctor Franklin 1811ff if he ever knew Dr. Franklin I have inflicted a wound still deeper on my own bosom 1811ff ... in my own bosom your daughter was the subject of my earliest affection 1851/70 ... the object of ... I shall in some measure realize former happy anticipations 1811ff ... former anticipations bowed his gratitude and after appointing that day week, departed 1851/70 bowed his head in gratitude; and after appointing ... when a person rapped to the door below 1811ff ... at the door below to intervene their happiness, no determined rival, no obdurate father 1851/70 to intervene their happiness, no obdurate father The sun blended its mild lustre with the landscape's lovely green 1811 ... the landscapes' ... encircled by a wreath of flowers 1811ff ... a wreath of artificial flowers Edgar then rising, motioned to the intended bride and bridegroom 1870 ... mentioned to ... "Where tides of heavy sorrows swell'd," 1811ff ... sorrow ... "And do I receive thee from the dead!" he said. "I am anxious to hear the mystery unfolded 1811ff And I receive thee as from ... the mighty mystery unfolded But wearied with the bustles of life 1870 ... business of life who all soon left it under the foolish pretence or impression of hearing strange noises and seeing frightful objects, and such is the superstition of people 1811ff who all left 1870 under foolish pretence 1811ff of hearing noises 1851/70 of the people which might lead to the elucidation 1811ff which might tend to the elucidation they struck a fire and lit candles, which they had brought with them 1811ff lighted candles 1870 which they brought where no objects presented, they lay flat on the ground, with orders not to stir, or to discover themselves 1811ff where no object presented, lay flat on the ground, with orders not to stir, or discover themselves so that nothing should be discovered from without. Things thus arranged, they observed almost an implicit silence 1811ff so that nothing could ... 1870 ... almost implicit silence For a long time no sounds were heard 1811ff ... no sound was heard to prevent discovery took off their shoes 1811ff to prevent discovery they took off their shoes "Those rascally cow-boys detained us too long."----"Well, well, never mind it 1811ff "Rascally cow-boys 1851/70 "Well, never mind it a noise as if several doors shut to 1870 ... shut too [this spelling is used several times] gave the signal to the men without 1811ff gave the alarm ... the chairs on which these now invisible beings had sat, had all disappeared 1811ff ... had disappeared That they were part of a gang 1811ff That they were a part of a gang sold at a very extortionate price 1851/70 sold at very extortionate prices struck immense sums of it 1811/51 immense quantities 1870 immense quanties [sic] which had heretofore been only in the open woods 1851 which had therefore ... we recrossed from the mansion. To get over the wall we used ladders of ropes, placing a flat piece of thick board 1811ff the old mansion ... a flat of thick board on touching a spring, it would suddenly fly open 1811ff ... it would fly open so that on emergency we could traverse every apartment 1811ff so that on an emergency ... a beautiful young lady asleep in the only bed in the room 1811ff ... on the only bed in the room to dispossess the fair tenant of premises to which 1851/70 ... of the premises to which As soon as we were prepared, we returned to the mansion 1870 As soon as they were ... exhibiting the person before her in all his horrific appearances 1870 exhibited ... some of the same material being placed in its mouth 1811ff some material being placed in its mouth not having yet stripped off his ghostly habiliments 1870 not having stripped off ... which in the night appears like coals of fire 1851/70 ... looks like ... the generous midshipman, John Brown 1811ff ... Jack Brown as there were several other British prisoners in the jail 1811ff ... in jail put under the hands of a barber, cleaned, furnished with a change of clothes 1870 ... cleansed ... his ship was ordered for America 1870 ... to America went before the magistrates of the town 1870 ... the magistrate of the town planned the structure of their family edifice. [NOTE] See Barometer 109-110. 1811 [FOOTNOTE] See pages 34 and 38. 1851/70 NO FOOTNOTE This intimation according with the ardent wishes of Alonzo, the site 1851/70 This intimation accorded with the ardent wishes of Alonzo. The site Spring, with its verdured fields 1864 verdurous [this difference is on the last page: see above] commencing sprightly, but ending plaintive and melancholy 1870 ... plaintively and melancholy * * * *
[THE END] Daniel Jackson's Novel: Alonzo And Melissa; Or, The Unfeeling Father _
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