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Dr. Faustus (From The Quarto Of 1616), a play by Christopher Marlowe

Act 4 - Scene 1

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[A Sennet. Enter CHARLES the German Emperor, BRUNO,
MARTINO, and Attendants.]

Wonder of men, renowm'd [151] magician,
Thrice-learned Faustus, welcome to our court.
This deed of thine, in setting Bruno free
From his and our professed enemy,
Shall add more excellence unto thine art
Than if by powerful necromantic spells
Thou couldst command the world's obedience:
For ever be belov'd of Carolus!
And if this Bruno, thou hast late redeem'd,
In peace possess the triple diadem,
And sit in Peter's chair, despite of chance,
Thou shalt be famous through [152] all Italy,
And honour'd of the German Emperor.

[Footnote 151: renowm'd: Old eds. "renown'd"; but earlier, p. 109, first col., 4to 1616 has "renowm'd": see note 23 and see note ||, p. 11.

Note ||, from p. 11. (The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great):

"renowmed: i.e. renowned.--So the 8vo.--The 4to "renowned."
--The form "RENOWMED" (Fr. RENOMME) occurs repeatedly
afterwards in this play, according to the 8vo. It is
occasionally found in writers posterior to Marlowe's
time. e.g.

"Of Constantines great towne RENOUM'D in vaine."
Verses to King James, prefixed to Lord Stirling's

[Footnote 152: through: So 4tos 1616, 1624.--2to 1631 "thorow."]

These [153] gracious words, most royal Carolus,
Shall make poor Faustus, to his utmost power,
Both love and serve the German Emperor,
And lay his life at holy Bruno's feet:
For proof whereof, if so your grace be pleas'd,
The doctor stands prepar'd by power of art
To cast his magic charms, that shall pierce through [154]
The ebon gates of ever-burning hell,
And hale the stubborn Furies from their caves,
To compass whatsoe'er your grace commands.

[Footnote 153: These: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "Those."]

[Footnote 154: through: So 4tos 1616, 1624.--2to 1631 "thorow."]


Blood, he speaks terribly! but, for all that,
I do not greatly believe him: he looks as
like a [155] conjurer as the Pope to a costermonger.


[Footnote 155: a: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--Not in 4to 1616.]

Then, Faustus, as thou late didst promise us,
We would behold that famous conqueror,
Great Alexander, and his paramour,
In their true shapes and state majestical,
That we may wonder at their excellence.

Your majesty shall see them presently.--
Mephistophilis, away,
And, with a solemn noise of trumpets' sound,
Present before this [156] royal Emperor
Great Alexander and his beauteous paramour.

[Footnote 156: this: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "the."]

Faustus, I will.


Well, Master Doctor, an your devils come not away
quickly, you shall have me asleep presently:
zounds, I could eat myself for anger, to think
I have been such an ass all this while, to
stand gaping after the devil's governor, and can see

I'll make you feel something anon, if my art fail me not.--
My lord, I must forewarn your majesty,
That, when my spirits present the royal shapes
Of Alexander and his paramour,
Your grace demand [157] no questions of the king,
But in dumb silence let them come and go.

[Footnote 157: demand: So 4tos 1616, 1631.--2to 1624 "demands."]

Be it as Faustus please; we are content.

Ay, ay, and I am content too: an thou bring Alexander
and his paramour before the Emperor, I'll be Actaeon,
and turn myself to a stag.

And I'll play Diana, and send you the horns presently.

[Sennet. Enter, at one door, [158] the EMPEROR ALEXANDER, at the other, DARIUS. They meet. DARIUS is thrown down; ALEXANDER kills him, takes off his crown, and, offering to go out, his PARAMOUR meets him. He embraceth her, and sets DARIUS' crown upon her head; and, coming back, both salute the EMPEROR, who, leaving his state, [159] offers to embrace them; which FAUSTUS seeing, suddenly stays him. Then trumpets cease, and music sounds.]

My gracious lord, you do forget yourself;
These [160] are but shadows, not substantial.

[Footnote 158: door: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--Not in 4to 1616.]

[Footnote 159: state: See note Sec., p. 122. i.e. note 146--So 4tos 1616, 1631.--2to 1624 "seat."]

[Footnote 160: These: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "They."]

O, pardon me! my thoughts are so ravish'd
With sight of this renowmed [161] emperor,
That in mine arms I would have compass'd him.
But, Faustus, since I may not speak to them,
To satisfy my longing thoughts [162] at full,
Let me this tell thee: I have heard it said
That this fair lady, whilst [163] she liv'd on earth,
Had on her neck a little wart or mole;
How may I prove that saying to be true?

[Footnote 161: renowmed: Old eds. "renowned." See note ‡, p. 123.
i.e. note 151 ]

[Footnote 162: thoughts: So 4tos 1616, 1631.--2to 1624 "thought."]

[Footnote 163: whilst: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "while."]

Your majesty may boldly go and see.

Faustus, I see it plain;
And in this sight thou better pleasest me
Than if I gain'd [164] another monarchy.

[Footnote 164: I gain'd: So 4tos 1616, 1631.--2to 1624 "I HAD gain'd."]

Away! be gone! [Exit show.]--See, see, my gracious
lord! what strange beast is yon, that thrusts his
head out at window? [165]

[Footnote 165: at window: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "at THE window."]

O, wondrous sight!--See, Duke of Saxony,
Two spreading horns most strangely fastened
Upon the head of young Benvolio!

What, is he asleep or dead?

He sleeps, my lord; but dreams not of his horns.

This sport is excellent: we'll call and wake him.--
What, ho, Benvolio!

A plague upon you! let me sleep a while.

I blame thee not to sleep much, having such a head of
thine own.

Look up, Benvolio; 'tis the Emperor calls.

The Emperor! where?--O, zounds, my head!

Nay, an thy horns hold, 'tis no matter for thy head,
for that's armed sufficiently.

Why, how now, Sir Knight! what, hanged by the horns!
this is [166] most horrible: fie, fie, pull in
your head, for shame! let not all the world wonder at you.

Zounds, doctor, this is [167] your villany!

[Footnote 166: is: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--Not in 4to 1616.]

[Footnote 167: this is: So 4to 1624 (and rightly, as the next line proves).--2tos 1616, 1631, "is this."]

O, say not so, sir! the doctor has no skill,
No art, no cunning, to present these lords,
Or bring before this royal Emperor
The mighty monarch, warlike Alexander.
If Faustus do it, you are straight resolv'd,
In bold Actaeon's shape, to turn a stag:--
And therefore, my lord, so please your majesty,
I'll raise a kennel of hounds shall hunt him so
As [168] all his footmanship shall scarce prevail
To keep his carcass from their bloody fangs.--
Ho, Belimoth, Argiron, Asteroth! [169]

[Footnote 168: As: So 4to 1616.--2to 1624 "That."--2to 1631 "And."]

[Footnote 169: Belimoth....Asteroth: Old eds. here "Belimote (and "Belimot")....Asterote": but see p. 126, first col.

P. 126. (this play):

"But wherefore do I dally my revenge?--
Asteroth, Belimoth, Mephistophilis?" ]

Hold, hold!--Zounds, he'll raise up a kennel of devils,
I think, anon.--Good my lord, entreat for me.
--'Sblood, I am never able to endure these torments.

Then, good Master Doctor,
Let me entreat you to remove his horns;
He has [170] done penance now sufficiently.

My gracious lord, not so much for injury done to me,
as to delight your majesty with some mirth, hath
Faustus justly requited this injurious knight; which
being all I desire, I am content to remove his horns.
[171]--Mephistophilis, transform him

[MEPHISTOPHILIS removes the horns]:
--and hereafter, sir, [172] look you speak well of scholars.

[Footnote 170: has: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "hath."]

[Footnote 171: horns: So 4tos 1616, 1631.--2to 1624 "horne."]

[Footnote 172: sir: So 4tos 1616, 1631.--Not in 4to 1624.]

Speak well of ye! 'sblood, an scholars be such
cuckold-makers, to clap horns of [173] honest
men's heads o' this order, I'll ne'er trust
smooth faces and small ruffs more.--But,
an I be not revenged for this, would I might
be turned to a gaping oyster, and drink nothing
but salt water!

[Aside, and then exit above.]

[Footnote 173: of: i.e. on.]

Come, Faustus: while the Emperor lives,
In recompense of this thy high desert,
Thou shalt command the state of Germany,
And live belov'd of mighty Carolus.

[Exeunt.] _

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