_ [
Enters Iarbus to Sacrifice.]
Come servants, come bring forth the Sacrifice,
That I may pacifie that gloomy Jove,
Whose empty Altars have enlarg'd our illes.
Eternall Jove, great master of the clouds,
Father of gladness, and all frollicke thoughts,
That with thy gloomy hand corrects the heaven,
When airy creatures war amongst themselves:
hear, hear, O hear Iarbus plaining prayers,
Whose hideous ecchoes make the welkin howle,
And all the woods Eliza to resound:
The woman that thou wild us entertaine,
Where straying in our borders up and down,
She crav'd a hide of ground to build a town,
With whom we did devide both laws and land,
And all the fruites that plenty else sends forth,
Scorning our loves and royall marriage rites,
Yeelds up her beauty to a strangers bed,
Who having wrought her shame, is straight way fled:
Now if thou beest a pitying God of power,
On whom ruth and compassion ever waites,
Redresse these wrongs, and warn him to his ships,
That now afflicts me with his flattering eyes.
[Enter Anna.]
How now Iarbus, at your prayers so hard?
I Anna, is there ought you would with me?
Nay, no such waightie busines of import,
But may be slackt untill another time:
Yet if you would partake with me the cause
Of this devotion that detaineth you,
I would be thankfull for such courtesy.
Anna, against this Trojan do I pray,
Who seeks to rob me of thy Sisters love,
And dive into her heart by coloured looks.
Alas poor King that labours so in vain.
For her that so delighteth in thy pain:
Be rul'd by me, and seek some other love,
Whose yeelding heart may yeeld thee more reliefe.
Mine eye is fixt where fancy cannot start,
O leave me, leave me to my silent thoughts,
That register the numbers of my ruth,
And I will either move the thoughtles flint,
Or drop out both mine eyes in drisling tears,
Before my sorrowes tide have any stint.
I will not leave Iarbus whom I love,
In this delight of dying pensivenes:
Away with Dido, Anna be thy song,
Anna that doth admire thee more then heaven.
I may nor will list to such loathsome change,
That intercepts the course of my desire:
Servants, come fetch these empty vessels here,
For I will fly from these alluring eyes,
That do pursue my peace where ere it goes.
Iarbus stay, loving Iarbus stay,
For I have honey to present thee with:
Hard hearted, wilt not deigne to hear me speak,
I'll follow thee with outcryes nere the lesse,
And strewe thy walks with my discheveld hair.
[Exit.] _
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