[Enter CALYMATH and BASSOES.] [195]
[Footnote 195: Bassoes: Here and afterwards old ed. "Bashawes." See note Sec., p. 164. [i.e. note 117.]--Scene, outside the walls of the city.]
Thus have we view'd the city, seen the sack,
And caus'd the ruins to be new-repair'd,
Which with our bombards' shot and basilisk[s] [196]
We rent in sunder at our entry:
And, now I see the situation,
And how secure this conquer'd island stands,
Environ'd with the Mediterranean sea,
Strong-countermin'd with other petty isles,
And, toward Calabria, [197] back'd by Sicily
(Where Syracusian Dionysius reign'd),
Two lofty turrets that command the town,
I wonder how it could be conquer'd thus.
[Enter a MESSENGER.]
[Footnote 196: basilisk[s: See note ‡, p. 25.
[note ||, p. 25, The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great:
"|| basilisks: Pieces of ordnance so called. They were of
immense size; see Douce's ILLUST. OF SHAKESPEARE, i. 425."]
[Footnote 197: And, toward Calabria, &c.: So the Editor of 1826.--Old ed. thus:
"And toward Calabria back'd by Sicily,
Two lofty Turrets that command the Towne.
WHEN Siracusian Dionisius reign'd;
I wonder how it could be conquer'd thus?"]
From Barabas, Malta's governor, I bring
A message unto mighty Calymath:
Hearing his sovereign was bound for sea,
To sail to Turkey, to great Ottoman,
He humbly would entreat your majesty
To come and see his homely citadel,
And banquet with him ere thou leav'st the isle.
To banquet with him in his citadel!
I fear me, messenger, to feast my train
Within a town of war so lately pillag'd,
Will be too costly and too troublesome:
Yet would I gladly visit Barabas,
For well has Barabas deserv'd of us.
Selim, for that, thus saith the governor,--
That he hath in [his] store a pearl so big,
So precious, and withal so orient,
As, be it valu'd but indifferently,
The price thereof will serve to entertain
Selim and all his soldiers for a month;
Therefore he humbly would entreat your highness
Not to depart till he has feasted you.
I cannot feast my men in Malta-walls,
Except he place his tables in the streets.
Know, Selim, that there is a monastery
Which standeth as an out-house to the town;
There will he banquet them; but thee at home,
With all thy bassoes and brave followers.
Well, tell the governor we grant his suit;
We'll in this summer-evening feast with him.
I shall, my lord.
And now, bold bassoes, let us to our tents,
And meditate how we may grace us best,
To solemnize our governor's great feast.
[Exeunt.] _
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