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West-Eastern Divan by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

VIII. Book of Suleika - The Reunion

Short stories

Book of Suleika: The Reunion

CAN it be! of stars the star,

Do I press thee to my heart?
In the night of distance far,

What deep gulf, what bitter smart!
Yes, 'tis thou, indeed, at last,

Of my joys the partner dear!
Mindful, though, of sorrows past,

I the present needs must fear.

When the still-unfashion'd earth

Lay on God's eternal breast,
He ordain'd its hour of birth,

With creative joy possess'd.
Then a heavy sigh arose,

When He spake the sentence:--"Be!"
And the All, with mighty throes,

Burst into reality.

And when thus was born the light,

Darkness near it fear'd to stay,
And the elements with might

Fled on every side away;
Each on some far-distant trace,

Each with visions wild employ,
Numb, in boundless realm of space,

Harmony and feeling-void.

Dumb was all, all still and dead,

For the first time, God alone!
Then He form'd the morning-red,

Which soon made its kindness known:
It unravelled from the waste,

Bright and glowing harmony,
And once more with love was grac'd

What contended formerly.

And with earnest, noble strife,

Each its own Peculiar sought;
Back to full, unbounded life

Sight and feeling soon were brought.
Wherefore, if 'tis done, explore

How? why give the manner, name?
Allah need create no more,

We his world ourselves can frame.

So, with morning pinions bright,

To thy mouth was I impell'd;
Stamped with thousand seals by night,

Star-clear is the bond fast held.
Paragons on earth are we

Both of grief and joy sublime,
And a second sentence:--"Be!"

Parts us not a second time.


Content of VIII. Book of Suleika: The Reunion [Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's poem collection: West-Eastern Divan]

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