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Every Man In His Humor, a play by Ben Jonson |
Act 4 Scene 9 |
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[Enter MATHEW and BOBADILL.] Mat. See, I think, yonder is the varlet, by his gown. Bob. Let's go in quest of him. Mat. 'Save you, friend! 'are not you here by appointment of justice Clement's man? Brai. Yes, an't please you, sir; he. told me, two gentlemen had will'd him to procure a warrant from his master, which I have about me, to be served on one Downright. Mat. It is honestly done of you both; and see where the party comes you must arrest; serve it upon him quickly. afore he be aware. Bob. Bear back, master Mathew. [Enter STEPHEN in DOWNRIGHT'S cloak.] Brai. Master Downright, I arrest you in the queen's name, and must carry you afore a justice by virtue of this warrant: Step. Me, friend! I am no Downright, I; I am master Stephen; You do not well to arrest me, I tell you, truly; I am in nobody's bonds nor books, I would you should know it. A plague on you heartily, for making me thus afraid afore my time! Brai. Why, now you are deceived, gentlemen. Bob. He wears such a cloak, and that deceived us: but see, here a' comes indeed; this is he; officer. [Enter DOWNRIGHT.] Dow. Why how now, signior gull! are you turn'd filcher of late! Come, deliver my cloak. Step. Your cloak, sir! I bought it even now, in open market. Brai. Master Downright, I have a warrant I must serve upon you, procured by these two gentlemen. Dow. These gentlemen! these rascals! [Offers to beat them.] Brai. Keep the peace, I charge you in her majesty's name. Dow. I obey thee. What must I do, officer? Brai. Go before master justice Clement; to answer that they can object against you, sir: I will use you kindly, sir. Mat. Come, let's before, and make the justice, captain. Bob. The varlet's a tall man, afore heaven! [Exeunt Bob and Mat.] Dow. Gull, you'll give me my cloak. Step. Sir, I bought it, and I'll keep it. Dow. You will? Step. Ay, that I will. Dow. Officer, there's thy fee, arrest him. Brai. Master Stephen I must arrest you. Step. Arrest me! I scorn it. There, take your cloak, I'll none on't. Dow. Nay, that shall not serve your turn now, sir. Officer, I'll go with thee to the justice's; bring him along. Step. Why, is not here your cloak? what would you have? Dow. I'll have you answer it, sir. Brai. Sir, I'll take your word, and this gentleman's too, for his appearance. Dow. I'll have no words taken: bring him along. Brai. Sir, I may choose to do that, I may take bail. Dow. 'Tis true, you may take bail, and choose at another time: but you shall not now, varlet: bring him along, or I'll swinge you. Brai. Sir, I pity the gentleman's case: here's your money again. Dow. 'Sdeins, tell not me of my money; bring him away, I say. Brai. I warrant you he will go with you of himself, sir. Dow. Yet more ado? Brai. I have made a fair mash on't; [Aside.]
Brai. I know no remedy, master Stephen. Dow. Come along afore me here; I do not love your hanging look behind. Step. Why, sir, I hope you cannot hang me for it: can he, fellow? Brai. I think not, sir; it is but a whipping matter, sure. [Exeunt.] _ |