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The Dynasts: An Epic Drama Of The War With Napoleon, a play by Thomas Hardy |
Part 1 - Act 6 - Scene 3. The Same. The French Position |
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_ PART FIRST. ACT SIXTH. SCENE III. [Shortly before dawn on the morning of the 2nd of December. A white frost and fog still prevail in the low-lying areas; but overhead the sky is clear. A dead silence reigns. NAPOLEON, on a grey horse, closely attended by BERTHIER, and surrounded by MARSHALS SOULT, LANNES, MURAT, and their aides-de camp, all cloaked, is discernible in the gloom riding down from the high ground before Bellowitz, on which they have bivouacked, to the village of Puntowitz on the Goldbach stream, quite near the front of the Russian position of the day before on the Pratzen crest. The Emperor and his companions come to a pause, look around and upward to the hills, and listen.]
Their bivouac fires, that lit the top last night,
And hark you, Sire; I catch
My God, it surely is the tramp of horse
Yes! They already move upon Tilnitz.
Leave them alone! Nor stick nor stone we'll stir Meantime move onward these divisions here [NAPOLEON and his staff retire to the hill south-east of Bellowitz and the day dawns pallidly.] 'Tis good to get above that rimy cloak [When they reach the summit they are over the fog: and suddenly the sun breaks forth to the left of Pratzen, illuminating the ash-hued face of NAPOLEON and the faces of those around him. All eyes are turned first to the sun, and thence to look for the dense masses of men that had occupied the upland the night before.] MURAT I see them not. The plateau seems deserted!
Gone; verily!--Ah, how much will you bid,
Some twenty minutes or less, your Majesty:
Good! Set forthwith [Firing begins in the marsh to the right by Tilnitz and the pools, though the thick air yet hides the operations.] O, there you are, blind boozy Buxhovden! [The head of and aide-de-camp rises through the fog on that side, and he hastens up to NAPOLEON and his companions, to whom the officer announces what has happened. DAVOUT rides off, disappearing legs first into the white stratum that covers the Lannes and Murat, you have concern enough [The Marshals with their aides gallop away towards their respective divisions. Soon the two divisions under SOULT are seen ascending in close column the inclines of the Pratzen height. Thereupon the heads of the Russian centre columns disclose themselves, breaking the sky-line of the summit from the other side, in a desperate attempt to regain the position vacated by the Russian left. A fierce struggle develops there between SOULT'S divisions and these, who, despite their tardy attempt to recover the lost post of dominance, are pressed by the French off the slopes into the lowland.]
O Great Necessitator, heed us now!
If it be in the future human story
Again ye deprecate the World-Soul's way [At once, as earlier, a preternatural clearness possesses the atmosphere of the battle-field, in which the scene becomes anatomized and the living masses of humanity transparent. The controlling Immanent Will appears therein, as a brain-like network of currents and ejections, twitching, interpenetrating, entangling, and thrusting hither and thither the human forms.]
O Innocents, can ye forget
Stand ye apostrophizing That
Heaving throughout its vast content
Could ye have seen Its early deeds
Ere ye, young Pities, had upgrown
He of the Years beheld, and we,
Tentative dreams from day to day;
Beheld the rarest wrecked amain,
Saw ravage, growth, diminish, add,
Heard laughters at the ruthless dooms
Us Ancients, then, it ill befits
Pain not their young compassions by such lore, |