This listing contains work(s) of Bert Leston Taylor available for reading. Click on a book title's link below to select a book to read online.
Titles in Poem Category Top
- "Farewell!" from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- "Treasure Island" from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Always from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Autumn Revery from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Ballad Of Misfits, A from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Ballade Of A Bore, A from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Ballade Of Cap And Bells, A from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Ballade Of Death And Time, A from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Ballade Of Irresolution, A from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Ballade Of Spring's Unrest, A from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Ballade Of The Cannery, A from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Ballade Of The Pipesmoke Carry from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Ballade Of Wool-Gathering, A from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Bards We Quote, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Bread Puddynge from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Breakfast Food Family, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Coronation, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Day Of The Comet, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Dinosaur, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Dornroeschen from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Duetto from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Gentle Doctor Brown from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Hence These Rimes from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- How They Might Have Brought The Good News from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- In The Gallery from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- In The Lamplight from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Kaiser's Farewell To Prince Henry, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Land Of Rainbow's-End, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Laundry Of Life, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Lay Of St. Ambrose, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Miss Legion from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Modern Mariner, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Morning After, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Musca Domestica from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- My Lady New York from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Old Roller Towel, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Oriental Apology, An from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Pandean Pipedreams from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Passional Note, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Passionate Professor, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Persistent Poet, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Pole, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Post-Vacational from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Recoil, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Reform In Our Town from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Rime Of The Clark Street Cable, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Sh-H-H-H! from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Simple, Heartfelt Lay, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Sons Of Battle from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- To A Tall Spruce from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- To Aristius Fuscus [Fuscus, old scout...] from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- To Aristius Fuscus [Fuscus, take a tip from me] from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- To Lillian Russell from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- To Pyrrha from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- To Sylvia from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- To The Sun from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- To What Base Uses! from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Up Culture's Hill from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Vanished Fay, The from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- When It Is Hot from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- When The Sirup's On The Flapjack from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Why? from "A line-o'-verse or two"
- Wisdom In A Capsule from "A line-o'-verse or two"