This listing contains work(s) of William Hauff available for reading. Click on a book title's link below to select a book to read online.
Titles in Short Story Category Top
- Abner, The Jew, Who Had Seen Nothing from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 15
- Amputated Hand, The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 3
- Caliph Stork, The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 2
- Caravan, The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"
- Cave Of Steenfoll (a Scottish Legend), The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 11
- Cold Heart, The from "Tales from the German"
- Dwarf Nosey, The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 14
- False Prince, The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 6
- Hirsch-Gulden, The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 8
- Inn In The Spessart, The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 7
- Little Muck from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 5
- Marble Heart, The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 9
- Marble Heart (Second Part), The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 12
- Nose, The Dwarf from "Tales from the German"
- Rescue Of Fatima, The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 4
- Said's Adventures from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 10
- Severed Hand, The from "Tales from the German"
- Sheik's Palace And His Slaves, The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 13
- Story Of Almansor, The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 17
- Young Englishman, The from "Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace"-- story 16