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A short story by Elaine Goodale Eastman

Why The Possum's Tail Is Bare

Title:     Why The Possum's Tail Is Bare
Author: Elaine Goodale Eastman [More Titles by Eastman]

A long time ago, the Possum had a fine bushy tail of which he was very proud, so much so that he would even sing of it at the dance. As the Rabbit's tail is short and stubby, he had no patience with such absurd vanity, and at last he thought of a way to put a stop to it.

There was to be a large council and dance to which all the animals were invited, and Rabbit stopped in on his way home to inquire whether Possum was going.

"I shall not attend unless I can be assured of a good seat," declared Possum with much dignity, "for I think my tail entitles me to so much, at least."

"Certainly, I will arrange that," replied Rabbit, with a great show of deference, "and I shall be glad if you will allow me to send a barber to comb and dress your beautiful tail so that it may appear to the best advantage."

On these conditions Possum agreed to attend the dance, and the Cricket, who was an expert barber, was sent to him with private instructions. As fast as he combed and brushed the tail, he wrapped it around with red string to keep it smooth, and no sooner had he finished his work than Possum hurried away in good spirits.

He found the council house crowded, but all made room for him at once, and when his turn came he quickly unwrapped his long tail and took the center of the floor, waving it proudly as he danced. He was greatly surprised to be greeted with loud peals of laughter. He ventured to speak of his tail in the accompanying song, and the people laughed louder than ever. At last, looking down, he discovered that the Cricket, according to the secret orders he had received, had shaved that splendid tail to the very roots, and it has remained entirely bare ever since.

In his great mortification, Possum rolled over on his back helpless, and this he still does whenever he is taken by surprise.

[The end]
Elaine Goodale Eastman's short story: Why The Possum's Tail Is Bare
