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The Light Shines in Darkness, a play by Leo Tolstoy

Act 5

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Tolstoy left the following notes for a fifth act which was never written.

Disciplinary Battalion. A cell. Prisoners sitting and lying. Boris is reading the Gospel and explaining it. A man who has been flogged is brought in. "Ah, if there were but a Pugachev[41] to revenge us on such as you." The Princess bursts in, but is turned out. Conflict with an officer. Prisoners led to prayers. Boris sent to the Penitentiary Cell: "He shall be flogged!"

[Note 41: Pugachev was the leader of a formidable rebellion in Russia in the eighteenth century.]

[Scene changes.]

The Tsar's Cabinet. Cigarettes; jokes; caresses. The Princess is announced. "Let her wait." Enter petitioners, flattery, then the Princess. Her request is refused. Exit.

[Scene changes.]

Mary Ivanovna talks about illness with the doctor. "He has changed, has become more gentle, but is dispirited." Enter Nicholas Ivanovich and speaks to Doctor about the uselessness of treatment. But for his wife's sake he agrees to it. Enter Tonya with Styopa. Lyuba with Starkovsky. Conversation about land. Nicholas Ivanovich tries not to offend them. Exeunt all. Nicholas Ivanovich with Lisa. "I am always in doubt whether I have done right. I have accomplished nothing. Boris has perished, Vasily Nikonorovich has recanted. I set an example of weakness. Evidently God does not wish me to be his servant. He has many other servants--and can accomplish his will without me, and he who realises this is at peace." Exit Lisa. He prays. The Princess rushes in and shoots him. Everybody comes running into the room. He says he did it himself by accident. He writes a petition to the Emperor. Enter Vasily Nikonorovich with Doukhobors.[42] Dies rejoicing that the fraud of the Church is exposed, and that he has understood the meaning of his life.

[Note 42: Tolstoy did not fully realise the facts (described in _A Peculiar People_) of the Doukhobors' submission to their leader, or of their belief in him as an incarnation of the Deity. In fact, when he wrote this play, Tolstoy regarded the Doukhobors as a type of what all Christians should be.]

_This play was begun in the 'eighties, and continued in 1900 and 1902._

Leo Tolstoy's drama play: Light Shines in Darkness


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